GI JOE 30th Anniversary

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Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

Just a question here, What harm COULD there possibly be in allowing an independent investigation to take place into the events of September 11th?
MOST likely, it would show that the events were related to us more or less how they happened ( sorry, i don't trust our "leaders", and i use the term loosely, to tell us 100% of the truth, 100% of the time. It's just not tactically sound) And then Sheen, and everyone else who is insisting there is some MAJOR government Coverup Just look VERY foolish. We all have a good laugh, and get on with our lives.

But what if, IF there is something to it? I'll admit, the accusations are more than a little wild, but the complete dismissal out of hand seems somewhat suspicious to me. It's been 7 years since the event, I do not think letting people look into it can REALLY cause that much a threat to national security at this point. i say, Let them have their investigation.

Two very appropriate quotes

"Give a fool enough rope, and He'll hang himself"


"Patriotism is ALOT like Sugar, A little is a good thing, But too much can cause blindness"

I'm all for legitimate conspiracy theories, but this one just doesn't have any merit and is straight-up tin foil terrorism. Again, those who know what it takes to drop a building know that something would've been seen. Then there's the problem of additional tax money that'll be wasted with state employees, records, etc. that will need to be accessed for interviews, document collecting, etc. They just don't let people into records with free reign. Government employees will have to be the gofers and those needed for interviews will likely do it "on the clock." I think the Democrats in congress already raked the Bush administration over the coals enough regarding any potential inaccuracies regarding 911. If there was any foul play, they hated the last administration enough that they likely would've exposed Bush and had him impeached. Why waste even more of the taxpayers' cash on bull^^^^?
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

Jesus fellas, no offense, but can we talk about Joes here and not political bull^^^^? This really ain't the place.

You've never posted off topic? :lol

Besides, I doubt we'll see any further 25th Anny releases anyway. Hasbro seems content on sneaking new releases into the ROC line which, judging from the way it's selling, will likely continue well through the next movie. :(
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

I'm all for legitimate conspiracy theories, but this one just doesn't have any merit and is straight-up tin foil terrorism. Again, those who know what it takes to drop a building know that something would've been seen. Then there's the problem of additional tax money that'll be wasted with state employees, records, etc. that will need to be accessed for interviews, document collecting, etc. They just don't let people into records with free reign. Government employees will have to be the gofers and those needed for interviews will likely do it "on the clock." I think the Democrats in congress already raked the Bush administration over the coals enough regarding any potential inaccuracies regarding 911. If there was any foul play, they hated the last administration enough that they likely would've exposed Bush and had him impeached. Why waste even more of the taxpayers' cash on bull^^^^?

IF it would Quirt the " their in CA-HOOTs with the terrerists"! nonsense, then I say, yes, it IS worth it.

although, as they say, you can't fix stupid.

You've never posted off topic? :lol

Besides, I doubt we'll see any further 25th Anny releases anyway. Hasbro seems content on sneaking new releases into the ROC line which, judging from the way it's selling, will likely continue well through the next movie. :(

Which, is, unfortunately, True i think. Which is also why I'm done with the 25th line. the ROC figures are not selling very well AT ALL in my town. th pegs are overflowing with them
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

You've never posted off topic? :lol

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Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

Which, is, unfortunately, True i think. Which is also why I'm done with the 25th line. the ROC figures are not selling very well AT ALL in my town. th pegs are overflowing with them

I searched for more 25th Annis at a Wal-Mart a month ago and all the ROC crap was sitting there, didn't even look like it's been touched, nobody wants that SHAT. I hope they learned their lesson with that CRAP and stick to the RAH.:emperor
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

so i am on the hunt for cobra divers...if anyone comes across any deals where i can get multiples for around $5 each or less. please let me know.
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

I searched for more 25th Annis at a Wal-Mart a month ago and all the ROC crap was sitting there, didn't even look like it's been tough, nobody wants that SHAT. I hope they learned their lesson with that CRAP and stick to the RAH.:emperor

i have a ton of 25th want to know what i have none of....RoC figures...and it will stay that way...unless i can get 10 of the repainted paravipers...the generic army builders are ok, but i def. dont want any of my gi joes to look like actors.
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

I searched for more 25th Annis at a Wal-Mart a month ago and all the ROC crap was sitting there, didn't even look like it's been touched, nobody wants that SHAT. I hope they learned their lesson with that CRAP and stick to the RAH.:emperor

Except wal-mart is dumb, and won't be able to tell the difference between movie joe, and GOOD joe's, so they won't order any....
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

I would be all over a 1/6 line. But that will never happen.

80's GIJoe is the greatest toy line ever.

i was just reading the first page of this thread....its funny but i thought the exact same thing...well, we were sure wrong..

also, it is crazy to think about how large the gi joe franchise has become since the beginning of this thread 2 years ago...crazy i say
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

I'll have to go back over my 25th Annis to see what I don't have, I have them all MOC in one big box :lol
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

I'll have to go back over my 25th Annis to see what I don't have, I have them all MOC in one big box :lol
That is absolutely shameful. Rip them sum^^^^^es open.

Haven't been paying that much attention to 3 3/4" Joes since the movie figures have been released, but I noticed that Hisstank recently got ahold of pics of BAT and Viper army builder sets. BAT set was absolutely inevitable. Can't believe it took this long to get one released. Looks like one of the Vipers is Mercer:


Also, there is apparently a Rise of Cobra Wal-Mart 2-pack with a Night Force Tunnel Rat and Monkeywrench, for Dreadnok fans out there:

Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

Wow. Stickman.

I have about as many as you but you seem to have more just by the way they are displayed.