GI JOE 30th Anniversary

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Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

I loved the boats the most such as the Killer Whale, Water Moccasin, and Moray
Hydrofoil followed by the jet packs, helicopters, and jets. Of the land vehicles I liked mostly the motorcycles and the A.W.E. Striker, Stinger, and Vamp jeeps. My favorite Tanks were the Warthog, Wolverine, and by far the best Tank was the Slaughter's Marauders Equalizer:


I loved that thing.

If they make any vehicles, I hope they start out with smaller ones, such as the Striker with Dusty. And I really hope they try to improve upon the originals with greater realistic detail.
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary


Yeah, really.

There is having your childhood raped... and then there is having it gang-banged without lubricant. This would certainly be the latter. :monkey2:monkey2
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

Yeah, really.

There is having your childhood raped... and then there is having it gang-banged without lubricant. This would certainly be the latter. :monkey2:monkey2

Why would they do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come on!!!!! i dont know what to say!!!!! i hate when this kind of crap happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

I think they'll change it up...for all we know, the script could be old and these rumors might not even fly. :monkey1

Let's just hope so. :monkey3
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

I just read the script review, what a POS!
Action-Man, Cool Dude, CIA guy Ryan, no Cobra whatsoever in the movie, Snake Eyes Speaking, the B-list guys Hi-Tech and Heavy Duty in prominent roles, No Lady Jaye, Roadblock, Bazooka, Shipwreck, Cobra Commander, Storm Shadow, Major Bludd, Destro, Zartan in the movie, Scarlett in a love triangle between Duke, and Alex Mann (Action Man), killing Scarlett, and lack of respect for the source material all have to go down the toilet because they're complete S#*t.
I really hope they don't use that script and if they do, it never goes into production and goes to someone else more passionate of the source material.
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

Yeah, let's hope it doesn't come to pass (frankly, I'd rather they not make the movie at all than make THIS). But I don't have much (if any) faith in Hollywood. :monkey4
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

That's not even the worst of it. The script is AWFUL and Cobra is no longer "Cobra" but is instead "Cool Dude". I'm serious:

That is the biggest load of POO I ever read! :sancho

What the hell kind of weak script writing is that? Surely an easy way to kill a great franchise. Sometimes I really hate Hollywood. Everrything they touch just reaks of quick money making! :blissysmi
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

Based on what I've read in these posts I have no fear that that ridiculous GI Joe concept will ever hit the big screen. Maybe before the Transformers movie, but not now. Maybe I'm in denial but I just don't see it happening. Now allow me to turn the discussion once again to vehicles with my very next post... :)
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

Got my GI Joe and Cobra collectors 5 packs over the weekend visiting my wifes parents in Philly!! These kick total ass! :rock
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

i had all of those vehicles when i was younger..i probably still have them in my house somewhere. the green boat with the neon and blue guy was the bomb.:emperor:emperor:emperor:emperor:emperor:emperor:emperor:emperor:emperor:emperor:emperor:emperor
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

:rotfl:rotfl Are they sturdy??? Im making a video of My Gi Joes!!!!!

hahaha yeah man, they're pretty sturdy for the most part. the baroness is kinda flimsy, but for the most part all the other cobras and joes are sturdy. not the hardcore plastic they use to be, but still good stuff none the less!

i have to say that storm shadow and gung ho are my fav's so far, as far as the box sets are concerned. and the file cards being nice and cut out already are a treat :rock :rock

can't wait to see the video :rock :lol
Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary

hahaha yeah man, they're pretty sturdy for the most part. the baroness is kinda flimsy, but for the most part all the other cobras and joes are sturdy. not the hardcore plastic they use to be, but still good stuff none the less!

i have to say that storm shadow and gung ho are my fav's so far, as far as the box sets are concerned. and the file cards being nice and cut out already are a treat :rock :rock

can't wait to see the video :rock :lol

Re: GI JOE 25th Anniversary


Oohh! I forgot that one. I also loved the 4 wheeler and the dune buggy.

