GI Joe: Rise of Cobra Discussion and Reviews [SPOILERS]

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I'm about to go see this movie. Is that a mistake?

If what you seek is an incredibly intelligent and realistic action movie then yes, big mistake, just rewatch the HBO mini series Band of Brothers or go see The Hurt Locker, or insert your own movie here which best fits that category for you.

If what you seek is an incredibly intelligent but unrealistic action movie then yes, big mistake, just rewatch Raiders of the Lost Ark, Die Hard or insert your own movie here which best fits that category for you.

If what you seek is an incredibly dumb and unrealistic action movie which just so happened to be Fun and Exciting to watch, then no, it's not a mistake to go and spend the $10 to $20 to watch it.

For me, director Sommers gave me my money's worth.

For a mere $10 freaking dollars, I got to see a bad ass commando ninja fighting another bad ass commando ninja, chicks in high heels driving bentley's and hummer's dishing out pain, gun ships fighting other gun ships in blazing glory, cool underwater battles, power suits which had amazing kinetics, dudes getting wasted left and right and needles stabbed into their bodies and heads, DONE BETTER than Wolverine's Adamantium procedure I might add, and explosions which rocked the house, ****s wrapped in leather and stealth camo, fighter jets blistering at warp speed, car destruction porn and Christ O Mighty, people getting crushed by the Eiffel freaking tower!!!!

Gladly pay another $10 to watch again, bring on the Blu-ray. :)

The Cobra Commander looked menacing enough for me, next movie they'll throw the towel over his head.

Hope this post helped you Mesa :lol
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So I should see that hamster movie G-Force instead?

The special effects are better as is the storyline, CGI hamsters have morde screen presence than channing tatum and marlon wayans put together.
i saw this movie friday and i have to say i hated it. I felt like everytime it had promise it shot itself back down. At some points i thought the CG was just laughably bad. the only part i liked was storm shadow and snake eyes. i dont even want to think about the way cobra looked..... :google
Well I guess I'll throw in my 02.

I ignored all the bad buzz and bad early reviews and instead decided to make up my own mind and not jump on the mob mentality and hate it just because some people say they didn't like it. I just went in with an opened mind. At the end of the movie I had a big smile on my face as I felt like I had just played with GI Joe toys for 2 hours just like I did in my childhood. It was what I think it was intended to be, a 2 hour toy commercial and I was ok with that being a toy collector and all. There were some things that I didn't like (i.e some of the dialog, didn't really like Quaid as Hawk or Channing Tatumm as Duke, he just didn't convey leadership qualities.) But there was also elements of the movie that I really did like (Snake eyes/stormshadow story, all the tech, the action scenes) and there was was enough little details and nods to fans like breaker chewing gum and blowing bubbles, Snake eyes wearing a fabric mask with no lips in non battle situations, Hawks leather jacket hanging behind him in his office, the YO JOE line delivered by Heavy Duty, the Jinx cameo.

I also thought the story was pretty solid with some really realistic moments. The theater I was in was packed and people gasped, laughed, and cheered at the end. It was a fun movie to watch. I went back and saw it again with my son and he loved it. He left the theater pretending to be Snake Eyes, wearing his Snake Eyes t-Shirt and bugging me to take him some so he could play the game lol. Mission accomplished GI Joe, a new 5 year old fan is ready to report for duty! Yo Joe!
i saw this movie friday and i have to say i hated it. I felt like everytime it had promise it shot itself back down. At some points i thought the CG was just laughably bad. the only part i liked was storm shadow and snake eyes. i dont even want to think about the way cobra looked..... :google

The organization isn't Cobra yet in the movie. That's why it's called the Rise of Cobra. The troops aren't Cobra troops yet either, they are MARS troopers under the command of James McCullen/Destro hence, the helmets/masks are modeled after the McCullen iron mask.
I've read every review and response since the beginning of this thread,laughed at all the wisecracks and snappy comebacks, winced at all the spoilers and the references to the greater movies of old, all in the attempt to figure out if this is the movie that truly represents the franchise that i've loved since I was a child. Does it capture Hama's comics and the cartoons that I rushed home to watch after school ? Is this the Gi Joe of Kung Fu Grip and the more modern Cobra enemy? Well it better be because District 9 comes out next week ! :joy
Stupid GI Joe movie, why couldn't I have hated it like I did Superman IV and Batman and I want the ****** 1/6 scale Sideshow Snake Eyes on my damn shelf!

Just swell!
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Haha, I don't mean to add to your misery but it's arguably one the best 12 inch figure SS has ever made ! I wonder if SS will do any versions of the ROC characters ? Hot Toys might.
I think the one thing people truly underestimated was Cobra Commander. People sh@t on the Doctor's look as well as the Commanders, but in the end he was maybe the best character in the movie, thats my view. I thought it was a mediocre film, I went in expecting nothing but good action but I was a little disappointed with even that, but JGL made it all okay despite the debatable issue over CC's appearance. I loved how initially the voice is pretty standard bad guy but as the movie progresses more of the s sounds get emphasized, it becomes a bit raspier and overall more demented. excellent.
I'm not sure if it's been mentioned, but is it explained why Duke is a Major (see gold leaf) in the beginning and a Captain at the end? How did Scarlett's motorcycle not get knocked down after it was hit by a car? Are machine guns really that effective underwater? How did CC not see that gigantic sub and all the baby subs surrounding him? How come it looked like Quaid wanted to laugh every time he said the word "Joes"? Is it me or is JGL starting to look a bit like Heath Ledger?
I'm not sure if it's been mentioned, but is it explained why Duke is a Major (see gold leaf) in the beginning and a Captain at the end? How did Scarlett's motorcycle not get knocked down after it was hit by a car? Are machine guns really that effective underwater? How did CC not see that gigantic sub and all the baby subs surrounding him? How come it looked like Quaid wanted to laugh every time he said the word "Joes"? Is it me or is JGL starting to look a bit like Heath Ledger?

Wait, you didn't stay for the after credits scene!

You missed the part where the entire earth blew up and the GI Joes put it back together with scotch tape!

Part 2 will be the titled:

The Rise of Crazy Glue!
Haha, I don't mean to add to your misery but it's arguably one the best 12 inch figure SS has ever made ! I wonder if SS will do any versions of the ROC characters ? Hot Toys might.

i certianly hope not. as much as I enjoyed the movie, i Really DETESTED 90% ot the costumes.
I go way back. I'm 49 years old and used to play with and still have from my childhood some of the original 12 inch joes. Then I started collecting 3 3/4 inch Star Wars in my young adulthood and then the 3 3/4 inch joes came out so I started collecting them. However, only looked at the comics or the tv cartoon only briefly. So I don't know alot of the previous backstory of the characters but knew them well from the toys.

Just saw the movie. I loved it. Great action, special effects, liked the story. I've read complaints about the story not matching what was in the comics or the tv cartoon. So what? Who cares? This is a new version of GI Joe for 2009. It was awesome. The Paris action was incredible. I don't know what the hell those of you who say the action and CGI was lame were watching???? What do you want? They knocked down the freaking Eiffel Tower and tore up half of Paris!!!!! Sorry but those that are complaining about the story not being right or the writing not being of the caliber of a Clint Eastwood Oscar winning film are missing the whole point. This was a fun, summer flick which will promote tons of new toys! And by the way, have you all seen the new line of Hasbro 3 3/4 Joes that go with this movie? They are great! I've gotten a bunch of them already. This is great entertainment. Don't become farty old men because this movie doesn't match what you watched as a nine year old. Grow up, enjoy, move on!
Just got back from this, my take on it all below

Not even close to TF1 but slightly better then TF2 only because no joes farted during the movie

The bad
-The acting, ^^^^ it was terrible,specifically Channing tatum he should never be allowed on film again, the whole Duke character should have been done differently
-Breaker and HD, just didnt fo it for me, after ahwile the accents were annoying
-CC only at the end, the change in voice and his new mask were garbage, he should have stayed the same

The good
-SS and SE, I thought they did the characters pretty well, I put the terrible outfits aside for everyone in this movie
-Zartan, was awesome, should it bank enough for a sequel im sure he will play a bigger role.
-The story I thought was decent and plausible, and the flow was good

Not the turd I thought it would be, but could have been done better with a few extra changes, just like TF2
True, may awesome is to strong, since he didnt do much, but he didnt do anything to butcher the character so that is a plus for him :)
This movie hit the perfect tone of retarded cartoon action. Is it a great movie? No, but I can't imagine a better G.I. Joe movie.

It's not a matter of high expectations or low expectations, it's a matter of appropriate and reasonable expectations.