Can't believe nobody has posted this yet omg omg omg omg
I present to you the first Showa era Godzilla Monster Arts figure...and it's a doozy!
I am so screwed...
Can't believe nobody has posted this yet omg omg omg omg
I present to you the first Showa era Godzilla Monster Arts figure...and it's a doozy!
Can't believe nobody has posted this yet omg omg omg omg
I present to you the first Showa era Godzilla Monster Arts figure...and it's a doozy!
How tall? Please say 12".
Can't believe nobody has posted this yet omg omg omg omg
I present to you the first Showa era Godzilla Monster Arts figure...and it's a doozy!
Yeah, from that angle right there it's the nicest Godzilla design ever imo.
Thanks for the link.
Some new clear pics of '64
Some new clear pics of '64
what is the scale on that beauty ?
Can't believe nobody has posted this yet omg omg omg omg
I present to you the first Showa era Godzilla Monster Arts figure...and it's a doozy!
The Burning G threw me off . The B G iooks huge in comparison .
I thought it looked like Xplus but I think they may be Model Kits
They might be trying to keep scale among the figures and I believe 95 has been one of the tallest G's in all the films.
I don't think so. Burning Godzilla was twice the height of Godzilla '64. He maybe be a teeny bit larger (as they made him a bit bigger than the '94 figure as well) but I also think the angle is messing with people.