Godzilla Collectibles Thread

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Can't believe nobody has posted this yet omg omg omg omg :panic::yess:

I present to you the first Showa era Godzilla Monster Arts figure...and it's a doozy!


How tall? Please say 12".

That 64 is a must have for sure. I hope this is only the beginning 94'95 and now a 64. Maybe a 54 version is around the corner or a 68.
They might be trying to keep scale among the figures and I believe 95 has been one of the tallest G's in all the films.

I don't think so. Burning Godzilla was twice the height of Godzilla '64. He maybe be a teeny bit larger (as they made him a bit bigger than the '94 figure as well) but I also think the angle is messing with people.

Looks like X-Plus to me. But that's Maulfan's department.
Good eye, I'd agree, looks like X-Plus '54, not a bad piece but you can get the Banpresto, which is better, for less money and it's the same size.
A the photos of G 64 look great.

The ony one that made me not sure is this one. I am sure that it is the angle but his neck just seems a bit long in this shot.

I don't think so. Burning Godzilla was twice the height of Godzilla '64. He maybe be a teeny bit larger (as they made him a bit bigger than the '94 figure as well) but I also think the angle is messing with people.

Some of it is the Angle but 94 G is bigger then the 64 G and it looks like by some bit. As you can see 64 G is even up and a clear box to give him some height. Don't care. Will be getting this no matter what.
