Godzilla Collectibles Thread

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I got the Bandai Movie Monster Series Godzilla 2017 today and it's a nicely done figure. I really dig the fine glitter inside the vinyl and it's great to touch. I still think this Anigoji is rather clumsy looking figure but the plant-like structure on the skin is nice.

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Can you please post a pic of his face straight on?
So, this work is taking forever, but it’s incredibly tedious with the techniques I know and am using, so I actually stopped for awhile. I also moved in July and lighting in the new house hasn’t been as good til I bought a new lamp, so I’m back at it and making progress.




Ah, yeah it's a web exclusive apparently, don't get why so many exclusives when mass release would probably sell like crazy.

I want it, but at the same time, if I got it, I'd repaint it and the original has been so much work for me as you see, not sure it's worth it lol.
Got these beautifully ugly guys in the mail yesterday. Now just have to wait for the RIC Gigantic Shin.


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Didn't see the second link. Truthfully, I'm tired of trying to judge things off of people's pictures. I rarely post pictures of my stuff because I'm not a professional photographer and most other people aren't either. Stuff almost always looks better in hand.
I do agree there seems to be too much red showing through. I quick dry brushing would fix that and a light wash would tone down the fins if they are indeed too bright.
Well, I've been looking at the pictures in that second link, and I'm not so sure that this particular one would look better in hand. Maybe your concerns are well founded. I hope they don't all look like this. Can't figure out why the fins are so white. Are they painted that way or does this guy have this brightly lit from the inside? At the very least, there is too much going on here. This looks like Rainbow Bright Godzilla instead of the horror that is Shin Godzilla. I'm not concerned about touchup, but I know that most people can't or don't want to do that. Dry brushing and washing is fairly easy, but no one wants to mess up something they paid a grand for.
Just not enough black on this. Even the chest looks like it has a big purple patch on it instead of the crevices glowing purple. I need to stop looking at these stupid pictures. It was bad enough I had to fix the Sideshow 2014 maquette, now this.
This one seems to be exhibited at some sort of fair... maybe it's a color sample and the production went into sort of repaint because of the lack of quality in the paint job. They should have been shipped on 24. of October and there's still no shipping date as of now.
Pure speculation on my part of course ;) (and an expression of the hope it will look better when delivered)

This would have to be a really old picture then. This reminds of a show I went to where a guy had the Kaiyodo 1989 Big Guy kit painted in chartreuse and white. I just stood there shaking my head because I couldn't believe he thought that looked good. Maybe this was a kit version that the guy painted himself, though I think that is only wishful thinking.