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Once we get our shipment, let's post the condition of the packages that we received. That'll be good to know.

I'm in for:
Snake Eyes
Bespin Luke
Called them. They show my fig as shipped. we will see.
As for the ordering of war machine they couldn't help.
I never received my shipping email either. Did anyone got their shipping notice yet?
I'm waiting for my Batman dx12.
Ni shipping notice. Got the WM Ltd for $210 shipped.

Me too had to use a differnt CC for some resone. CC worked fine on Mark 2 and its unlimited. What ever, there screwed up at Hastings.
My last order was the Black Spiderman for 99 ened up being a D&D game.

No shipping email here ither maybe tonight ater 3am.
I don't think they email shipping confirmation. You have to log into your account and open your order and you'll notice on the left side that there is a tracking number if the status says shipped
lolwut...you ordered a figure and got a board game? Nice. I'll probably get stuck with 2 heavy *** bricks for my 2 orders...can't wait...
lolwut...you ordered a figure and got a board game? Nice. I'll probably get stuck with 2 heavy *** bricks for my 2 orders...can't wait...

Yes i got 2 board games. There not the smartest group of people but when they have sales its usally good.

Not a newbie here just annoyed with there system. And seeing there track record I want to make sure. Oh i didnt mention they charged me 2 times for the Mark 2 had to get that fixed.
LOL. This thread has the same newb scramble every sale.

Just chilax.

It's always fun to speculate...stuff happens. If everyone relaxes, there'll be no posting or purpose of a board. Might as well turn it into a blog where we just read instead of BS with each other :hi5:

Stress The Rapist.Net? :monkey1
