Government Always Wins...

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You know, I know this will likely cause a ^^^^ storm, but dammit I'm sick of these religous nuts running around and no one really speaks out against them, no matter how crazy the ^^^^ they spew is.

If your god tells you to kill people then its simple, hes an ^^^^^^^ and so are you.

If your one of those people that needs to believe in a god to help you get through the day then I can at least understand that.

If your one of those people who are afraid and paranoid because you can't handle life, so you blame your problems on an imaginary friend and tell people "god" told you its ok to take life, then in my opinion, your a crazy ^^^^^^^ liar and theres no room in society for you or your imaginary friend.

Anyone with half a real brain can read the bible and realise that most of it doesn't match up or make any real sense. I put the bible in the same genre as Harry Potter. Religion and belief in an afterlife seems to me like a thing for people to convince themselves life is still worth living. Or they use it as a deterrant not to do something wrong. I'd like to steal that money, but I might go to hell etc.

I live my life under the impression I get one shot at everything so I make it count. If I love someone I tell them, if I dont like someone I tell them. I dont like this woman, and I hope she goes to jail and never gets to see her son again. She doesnt care about him. Shes wants him to die because shes afraid if he lives, her god may punish her. Shes a greedy, scared, undereducated redneck and should be locked away from law abiding people.

Now like I just said, if you are a religious exremist, Im not pulling any punches, I think your nuts, but you know what? I would never kill you or harm your pyshiclly for your belief no matter how dumb I think it is. Religous extemists can't say the same thing. The truth is most don't even understand the ways or beliefs of their own gods.

So if you think I'm going to hell for believing all that or w/e, thats fine, frankly I wouldnt want to spend eternity with religous fanatics that steal the most precious gift from there own child, or a man who destroys violently, everything he creates. I can kill a hundred people and apologise and still go to heaven? Sounds like Heaven really sucks.

Heaven or no, the fact is there isn't any proof, all we really definately have, is hear and now, and this woman is robbing her own child of that very special time here.

90 percent chance he'll survive with help.

Can you tell me scientifically and for sure, whats his percentage chance of living from praying real hard like he means it?
No, it's 90% if he is on chemo, with a 10% chance of the chemo not working.

The DOCTORS are quoted saying he has a 5% chance of surviving without chemo.

Which is why I made my comment to pixletwin, it is slim but NO ONE knows for sure what will happen EITHER WAY...

...Unless you are a god, like I guess pixletwin believes he is, then you know for sure he will die without chemo. But for the rest of us, all we know is the boy MIGHT die without chemo to the tune of 5%.

Just to be safe, pixletwin could you give some hot tips on a horse race or two? I promise to spend my winnings on a SS figure.
Well how are they supposed to collect the insurance money if he lives?
No, it's 90% if he is on chemo, with a 10% chance of the chemo not working.

The DOCTORS are quoted saying he has a 5% chance of surviving without chemo.

Which is why I made my comment to pixletwin, it is slim but NO ONE knows for sure what will happen EITHER WAY...

...Unless you are a god, like I guess pixletwin believes he is, then you know for sure he will die without chemo. But for the rest of us, all we know is the boy MIGHT die without chemo to the tune of 5%.

Just to be safe, pixletwin could you give some hot tips on a horse race or two? I promise to spend my winnings on a SS figure.

If I were a parent I'd take a 90% chance of my child surviving over anything else, religion or no.
But for the rest of us, all we know is the boy MIGHT die without chemo to the tune of 5%.

Right, because there are so many known cases of untreated cancer just miraculously curing itself. :angelsmil

Just to be safe, pixletwin could you give some hot tips on a horse race or two? I promise to spend my winnings on a SS figure.

Only if I get 10% of everything you win. :sancho
How could the lawyer live with himself if he defended this families decision, won, and the boy dies?
Unfortunately, this kind of crap happens way too often for my tastes.

An article popped up yesterday where a mother used prayer rather than medicine to try to defend daughter from a "spiritual attack" by demons, that just happened to cause the exact same symptoms as type II Diabetes. Not surprisingly, the girl died.

What if god told them not to use chemo?
What if god told them to murder someone?
If you believe, you have to do what god says.

God says don't answer a question with another question.

Talking to god: fine

God talking to you: schizophrenic

If your god tells you to kill people then its simple, hes an ^^^^^^^ and so are you.

I agree 100%. That is why I personally can't get behind the god found in the old testament.
What indeed does it mean? I think it means as many things to different people as there are religions to define. I'm not sure I could articulate it very well. I would say being religious is along the lines of following the letter of the law while being spiritual is following the spirit of the law, if that makes any sense. :dunno

Exactly, follow the letter of the law, that IS religion, that is basically the definition of being religious... to have faith that following the laws religiously that your god sets for you will be better than following even your own common sense. And most religious laws have been around alot longer than the laws you are saying should trump these parent's wishes.

I would still enjoy an answer to my question which was what do you mean when you say you are spiritual. Have you seen a ghost? You obviously think you can predict the outcome of future events, are you like the Medium? Do you dream what the next PF is going to be?

No. You are enforcing a law. Big difference.

Wrong. As we have established together, the parents were also following a law, just not the law you think they should. This is what freedom of religion is all about, and by the way it is also a law... this concept seems to elude you. How do you decide which laws are the important ones? If this being a life or death situation, like this almost is, makes you put your law first... just keep in mind that those who follow a faith have their own understanding of exactly what life and death is. So there is no "big difference", it is law verses law. Verses freedom of religion, which is also a law that means they don't get chemo if they don't want it because science hasn't dispelled the possibility.

Americans love to say how great this country is, but as soon as push comes to shove they turn it into a dictatorship and say 'what freedom of religion?'. They lose faith in their own laws and make quick new ones as a patch. So either get rid of freedom of religion as law or start figuring out how to respect other poeple who believe differently than you.

I would say a boy with untreated Hodgkin's lymphoma would most certainly die far sooner than his peers who are being treated. Yes.

Again, then you know more about this than the doctors. Do we need to post links about documented hodgkin's patients who miraculously recovered without conventional treatments? Though I agree it doesn't look good for him I can't deny the possibility exists, like you can. Ask those ghosts you talk to what stocks I should by next, if it pans out I will worship you and I promise and I will give my kids chemo for breakfast every morning.

Personally, I do not follow any organised religion except my own personal moral code which sometimes doesn't agree with my country's laws... like most people here, I think some laws are illogical.

I think a treatment that has a possibility of failing, like chemo for instance, should be left up to the individual as to whether they want to go that route or look for other reputable treatments. These parents were going to use 'alternative' treatments that have their own percentage rates of failure/success. So it really didn't even need to get into the religious (laws) debate it has turned into, we have the basic right to decide which treatment we think is best if none of them are a 100% successful.

Like Mike said, we should at least wait until a law has been broken.

In this case though we have a minor, and if it were my son I would use whatever was available to save him. If I prayed, I would pray. I would use "alternative" medicines. I would use chemo.

But this is someone else's son, who have their own beliefs and laws protected by U.S. laws and no matter how crazy it feels to me they live in a country that preaches freedom of religion as a law.
Again, then you know more about this than the doctors. Do we need to post links about documented hodgkin's patients who miraculously recovered without conventional treatments? Though I agree it doesn't look good for him I can't deny the possibility exists, like you can. Ask those ghosts you talk to what stocks I should by next, if it pans out I will worship you and I promise and I will give my kids chemo for breakfast every morning.

Sure the possibility also exists that I may actually get to bang Megan Fox one day. Guess I will wait and see.

I wonder if my odds are better or worse than this childs chance of survival? I'd say about the same. But hey like you say, miracles can happen. Maybe I should ask the stars and will this ^^^^ to happen. :rock
Talking to god: fine

God talking to you: schizophrenic

Wrong. Schizophrenia is scientifically still unexplained. It is still scientifically on the table as to whether these people are actually hearing something that is real or not.

You are forgetting that alot of things were considered 'supernatural' until science explained it. People hearing voices is still unexplained and the explanation may surprise us all.
Sure the possibility also exists that I may actually get to bang Megan Fox one day. Guess I will wait and see.

I wonder if my odds are better or worse than this childs chance of survival? I'd say about the same. But hey like you say, miracles can happen. Maybe I should ask the stars and will this ^^^^ to happen. :rock

Exactly. Who knows? But certainly nothing will get done if you sit around thinking Megan would never go for a guy like you, get on that horse man and make your dreames come true. It happened for the Wright Brothers.

And I don't say miricles can happen, the miricles that have happened say that.
i just wonder how many of the people that passionately want to take away these people's choices still want women to have the choice to kill fetuses who can't speak for themselves.

I think a lot of the fury this is causing goes deeper than individual rights and I think it goes deeper than some concern for an individual minor's health. I think people are just interested in the potential to condemn belief in a higher power. These aggressive athiests just want to rip away every possible tie, hope, belief, faith, ritual, or rite from their planet. They've got their agenda and they'll find every negative and make it seem like religion is the root of all the world's problems.

Maybe I have little faith in humanity, but I really wonder does anyone really care that much for the kid?

Do I agree with the choice, no? Do I even agree that it should be an availble choice? Not sure. I just think thats not the point zealot athiets are attacking. Using one family's extreme point of view athiests are attempting to tear all religion and all believers down.
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Exactly. Who knows? But certainly nothing will get done if you sit around thinking Megan would never go for a guy like you, get on that horse man and make your dreames come true. It happened for the Wright Brothers.

And I don't say miricles can happen, the miricles that have happened say that.

I'm a decent enough looking fellow I guess. ^^^^ I think I will start right now! *Gets on Knees* "Please god, I beg you. Grant me access to Megan Fox's vagine please. Amen." :angelsmil

Guess we will see what happens. At least statistically speaking I now have a 5% chance. :lecture