Fans recently got their very first glimpse at Mark Strong as Sinestro in "Green Lantern," even though the actor revealed to MTV News that the production team had some trouble nailing down the eventual villain's final design.
While Sinestro will certainly have a big role to play in the "Green Lantern" mythos, it's clear that fans are going to have to be patient when it comes to seeing the purple-skinned and mustached Lantern on the big screen — because, according to Strong himself, he only started working on the set of "Green Lantern" near the end of filming.
"[Most of my scenes are in space], indeed, which is why I've come in at the end of shooting," Strong told MTV News. "Because now we've moved into the studio and into blue screen — obviously not green screen, because Green Lantern would disappear! We're in blue screen, and most of [my work takes place] in space."
But even if it takes some time for fans to get their first glimpse of Sinestro when "Green Lantern" swoops into theaters next summer, they will have plenty of other familiar members of the Green Lantern Corps to keep them distracted.
"Tomar-Re is in [the movie] and it's an amazing look — kind of half-bird and half-fish," described Strong. "Kilowog is in it and he's a massive, great, big bulldog kind of character. There are others, too, but I won't ruin it."