Green Lantern: The Motion Picture

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When the live-action Green Lantern film hits theaters next summer, audiences will not only be introduced to the character Hal Jordan (portrayed by Ryan Reynolds), but his "support staff" of alien Lantern Corps members who help him learn the ways of patrolling the universe. The most important three being Thaal Sinestro, Hal's mentor, Kilowog, his drill instructor, and Tomar-Re, who has been dubbed by the film's production department as Hal's 'spiritual guide.'


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GREEN LANTERN Actor Mark Strong briefly talks Sinestro, Kilowog and Tomar-Re

Fans recently got their very first glimpse at Mark Strong as Sinestro in "Green Lantern," even though the actor revealed to MTV News that the production team had some trouble nailing down the eventual villain's final design.

While Sinestro will certainly have a big role to play in the "Green Lantern" mythos, it's clear that fans are going to have to be patient when it comes to seeing the purple-skinned and mustached Lantern on the big screen — because, according to Strong himself, he only started working on the set of "Green Lantern" near the end of filming.

"[Most of my scenes are in space], indeed, which is why I've come in at the end of shooting," Strong told MTV News. "Because now we've moved into the studio and into blue screen — obviously not green screen, because Green Lantern would disappear! We're in blue screen, and most of [my work takes place] in space."

But even if it takes some time for fans to get their first glimpse of Sinestro when "Green Lantern" swoops into theaters next summer, they will have plenty of other familiar members of the Green Lantern Corps to keep them distracted.

"Tomar-Re is in [the movie] and it's an amazing look — kind of half-bird and half-fish," described Strong. "Kilowog is in it and he's a massive, great, big bulldog kind of character. There are others, too, but I won't ruin it."
Salaak looks ____ing awesome. WB asked CBM to remove these pics but promised official studio pics so it should be interesting to see over the next couple of days final renders.
Weird how we still haven't got a head to toe look of Hal in his outfit, but I guess with the criticism it will be a little while. Still digging Kilowog the most. If there was ever a need for a 1:2 statue it would be of Hal and Kilowog to me. :) :pray:
Based on the fact that Hal is the lynchpin of the marketing campaign I would say it isn't weird that they won't show him again until they are finalized. The worry that I have is though that much like Iron Man 2 where they were retooling up until the week before release that we'll get releases that are inaccurate from licensees and that HT will wait until after the film is released to fully announce their offerings.
Based on the fact that Hal is the lynchpin of the marketing campaign I would say it isn't weird that they won't show him again until they are finalized. The worry that I have is though that much like Iron Man 2 where they were retooling up until the week before release that we'll get releases that are inaccurate from licensees and that HT will wait until after the film is released to fully announce their offerings.
I've pretty much stopped with Hot Toys and moved onto statues. I just worry that it may be too hard to replicate Hal's GL outfit into any scale much less 1:2 as that is what I have my hopes set on. Just a matter of wait and see.

This is the movie I'm looking forward to most next year...
:exactly: :hi5:
I'm so unfamiliar with the Green Lantern Corps besides Hal Jordan, that some of these characters look really odd and some look even dumb... :chase


I'm sure hardcore fans are loving all these characters...
What are these things? Alien Green Lanterns??

Sorry - I know nothing about GL as well, partly why i'm so excited to watch. (Thor and Cap too, I know nothing about them... lol)
What are these things? Alien Green Lanterns??

Sorry - I know nothing about GL as well, partly why i'm so excited to watch. (Thor and Cap too, I know nothing about them... lol)

Pretty much. Earth isn't the only planet to have a Green Lantern. Each Lantern is assigned their own sector.
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That's correct. Earth is captured in Sector 2814 which always had a Green Lantern but they were never human because they were deemed too uncivilized to wield the ring. Abin Sur was the Lantern of Earth's sector before Hal Jordan and even that was an accident as Sur's ship crash landed on Earth and he gave the ring to Hal as a precaution to keep it out of evil's hands (that of course was retconn'd over and over to make Hal worthy but that's not how it started).

As for your questoin Hunni, the entire galaxy is broken up into 3600 sectors, all parts save one Sector 666 have 2 GLs attached to them equaling 7200 members. Oa is sector 0 and has no GLs but has honor guards which aren't restricted to the 2. As of right now there are only 4 human Green Lanterns (Hal, John, Guy and Kyle) but there are others like Arisia and Sodam Yat (a Daxmite!) who are humanoids but not actually human.