Super Freak
Superman Punch

I'll say this: the pose would make more sense to me if he was flying/floating. It would justify the arms being up like that more.
The way his lower half is extending with his legs as he stands there just doesn't look right (to me) either.
Using a dynamic construct, which would have elevated him, displaying an awesome flying / in air pose, would have been so Great. I look at the current PF as an opportunity lost. Seen so many other GL statues over time (especially Bruckner's work), maybe I was expecting something radical from the PF.
Don't want to start a vs. custom or any other statue debate, and given that I usually don't like a lot of customs, this one I really admire:
I respect the fact that people really like the PF and not just because they want to own a GL PF. Got to accept that we are all different (and that's what makes us all exclusive).
Someone posted this pic on the other forum, which I think better shows the size difference between GL and Batman.
Someone? I see all Bmutha!![]()
Hey, bud...didn't know you were on these forums...otherwise I would have credited you directly.
Someone posted this pic on the other forum, which I think better shows the size difference between GL and Batman.
By eyeballing it, it looks like the sole of GL's and Batman's lower foot approximately line up, so I marked up the photo to show where the top of GL's head would be (roughly), if he were standing up straight. GL looks like he'd come to approximately somewhere between Batman's nose and mouth. Given that Batman is usually listed as around 3 or 4" taller than GL, that's actually not that far off, height-wise.
I'm not trying to comment on how well they go together on display, just trying to help clear up the size discrepancy.
Dc lists Batman at 6'2", Hal is listed at 6'. A 2" difference in 1/4 scale is .5". If that matches up his height is in scale. His body mass is different story all together.
Dc lists Batman at 6'2", Hal is listed at 6'. A 2" difference in 1/4 scale is .5". If that matches up his height is in scale. His body mass is different story all together.
I'd say Sideshow did just fine
I would agree. No one was a more vocal opponent of this when it first went up, but all. All it looks damn fine. Honestly, I hate that Bat,an getting released has started the bashing of this again.
A statue shouldn't have to be defended this hard. That in itself tells you all something. Regardless of personal preference or what not.
If the GL PF was in the same league as the Bats, Supes or WW this disagreement would not exist. Period. A GL PF statue with a light up feature? and it sold how many compared to a character like Harley Quinn? This is Green Lantern, right? People are so split on this whole issue so this is obviously not the clear definitive GL statue. It's a good statue for what it is, but for me not the one to pair up with an ultimate JLA set up.
Enjoy your GL PF guys.
A statue shouldn't have to be defended this hard. That in itself tells you all something. Regardless of personal preference or what not.
If the GL PF was in the same league as the Bats, Supes or WW this disagreement would not exist. Period. A GL PF statue with a light up feature? and it sold how many compared to a character like Harley Quinn? This is Green Lantern, right? People are so split on this whole issue so this is obviously not the clear definitive GL statue. It's a good statue for what it is, but for me not the one to pair up with an ultimate JLA set up.
Enjoy your GL PF guys.
I made some observations and they obviously struck a cord. It's funny how people perceive/read things when they are in the defensive.
Do yourself a favor and calm down. Stop it with the melodrama because it certainly is not that serious. Slamming? Tearing down? want me to stay out of this thread because I don't like the statue and I said everything I had to say about it? would that make your statue sensibilities feel better? I actually may do just that as this discussion has run it's course. Afterall, the premise is based on a hypothetical future GL PF that may or may not happen and the need (or not need) for it based on those who like/love the current one.
Again, refer back to my observation on the overly defensive attitude a lot of people take towards this piece. You just proved my point.