Super Freak
See the thing is I am not defensive of it, because I don't own it. I am just saying that you have made your point, ant you have been making it over and over again. You don't like it, and yeah haven't you really said everything you had to say. I am just saying I don't get the need to slam this at this point. I am sorry I just don't. It is in people's hands and they are proud of it. Why not just let it drop?? That is what I am getting at. No melodrama, just the logic of letting those who enjoy this enjoy it. That is all I am getting at.
I don't get it either, man. I don't understand what some people's goal is by incessantly ripping on a piece.
So, SolidLiquidFox, are you trying to tell me that you don't like this GL PF?

I mean, I didn't get that the last 3000 times you pointed that out.
My issues with people constantly ripping on the GL piece are twofold:
1. The scale factor...yes, we know GL is undersized. He's more like a 1/4.3 piece based on my rough measurements. We get it. This is a fact, we all know it, move on.
2. When people (not saying SLF does this, but many people do) rip on other collectors for actually liking the piece, accusing them of drinking the SS Kool-Aid or letting SS dictate what they buy and crap like that. That type of BS can GTFO, as far as I'm concerned.
If you want to discuss the pose, the muscle definition, whether or not you think it looks good with whatever other piece, that's fine...I think that's what the forum is for.
I'm not defending the piece in trying to say that it is the perfect GL piece, in no way should SS ever revisit the character because this GL is the pinnacle of sculpture, or that he undeniably looks perfect with Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman. So, don't try to put words in my mouth.