Premium Format Green Lantern

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Well, especially this GL. I am actually kind of stunned that SSC would let this design go out. Particularly after they NAILED the design for Supes, Batman, and the Joker. It is just odd.
I can't see anything, oh the pics are up. Leaning forward looks like he's gonna fall lol. Well, not bad. I prefer the regular hand.
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Its up... $350 for this sucker. The front straight view looks pretty good.

the head looks way too big. The pose looks awkward like falling off balance.. The abs are too exaggerated.. The black paint is too glossy.. No buy from me. I will save up Superman PF. Hopefully we will see Supes during Halloween..
I can not tell if this is 1:4 scale or not? From some angles, his legs looks off. It appears to be 21-22" tall.

the head looks way too big. The pose looks awkward like falling off balance.. The abs are too exaggerated.. The black paint is too glossy.. No buy from me. I will save up Superman PF. Hopefully we will see Supes during Halloween..

The upper part of the body is fine. The head is not big at all. Its the lower half I have a slight issue with.
the Exclusive version will include a Hard Light fist construct priced at 349$