Uncanny Web-Slinger
Super Freak
Can't undo X3, only try to forget it ever happened.
Sam with the two fake Mandarins I suppose

Can't undo X3, only try to forget it ever happened.
Dont worry about that cartoon. Its all kinds of stupid. They made green goblin venom so I wouldnt take anything that show says seriously.
No, that's actually what Rocket is, in the comics. If you call him a Raccoon, he will beat your *** or kill you since he hates it.....what's this about making Green Goblin, Venom? That sounds ridiculous XD
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IM3 was $200 Million, TDW and TWS was $170 Million each, it's safe to say it's around the latter 2
Well, I think they asked about his mask and suit. Not helmet. I think they were confused because the pics of that are everywhere. LOL.
Sad that Bug was SO close to making it.