Guardians of the Galaxy

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Just came back from seeing it and thought it was awesome. It was quirky, funny, cooky, and kick azz.

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Why are the villains always so underdeveloped. look great but never really used to capacity.

I am trying to see how Thanos will gather all the infinity gems before avengers 3.

It's funny how everybody in the galaxy know what Thanos wants and is except the heroes of earth.
I don't know what the critics have been smoking but the new Star Wars this is not.
Not even close, it's not even Marvel's best movie, we are far behind Captain America TWS or even Avengers.
The story is one we've seen a thousand times already; while chasing a McGuffin a bunch of misfits comes together and saves the day.
At no point does the story raise any interesting issue nor does it ever rise above the clichés.
I'm really surprised at the enthusiasm for this movie, it seems almost manufactured.
The film's only redeeming quality is humor, it's is a funny movie and it works rather well as an action comedy.
You will be entertained but I don't think we can pretend it's a good film.
I did not expect Schindler's List of course but I did expect a little more substance.
The last Marvel flick (Captain America; The Winter Soldier) struck that balance between entertainment, action and some substance really well.
GOTG seemed to me to be an empty vehicle, just a setup for the jokes.
Yes the jokes were funny but everything else left me wanting and prevented me from truly enjoying it.
I left feeling like I had seen one of these flicks that you forget as soon as you leave the theater.
That is every marvel movie including captain america it's their style I feel like I am in a park ride. I blame it on the dark knight since the only way to top that is to follow that style.
Was he playing the alien with the favourite knife that Drax ends up taking from him?
That was the only real significent scene I could recall that Nathan may have been in, but just under makeup.

Not sure, it's certainly possible.

I'll be seeing the movie again on Monday so I'll remember to have a look during that bit.
I thought they were talking about a Howard the Duck remake a couple years ago?

if that's the case then okay, I can see that.

Well, if they were able to make an awesome kick ass talking Raccoon and people loved him,

I don't see why they can't make a talking duck with an attitude work now :lol
I don't know what the critics have been smoking but the new Star Wars this is not.
Not even close, it's not even Marvel's best movie, we are far behind Captain America TWS or even Avengers.
The story is one we've seen a thousand times already; while chasing a McGuffin a bunch of misfits comes together and saves the day.
At no point does the story raise any interesting issue nor does it ever rise above the clichés.
I'm really surprised at the enthusiasm for this movie, it seems almost manufactured.
The film's only redeeming quality is humor, it's is a funny movie and it works rather well as an action comedy.
You will be entertained but I don't think we can pretend it's a good film.
I did not expect Schindler's List of course but I did expect a little more substance.
The last Marvel flick (Captain America; The Winter Soldier) struck that balance between entertainment, action and some substance really well.
GOTG seemed to me to be an empty vehicle, just a setup for the jokes.
Yes the jokes were funny but everything else left me wanting and prevented me from truly enjoying it.
I left feeling like I had seen one of these flicks that you forget as soon as you leave the theater.
Agreed. Felt very generic and forgettable to me.
Supposedly Nathan fillion is:

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Supposedly Nathan fillion is:

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For some reason I thought of Bob Sapp.
Thought it was good. Not marvel's best, but still entertaining. Give it a B+. DC fans will hate on it, but I enjoyed it.
I definitely enjoyed the movie though and there were some great comedy moments in the film. Definitely not marvels strongest film but it was still great and I have no problem seeing a guardians 2. I really hope this kills at the box office.
It was better than the PT and Star Trek that's for certain. :lol

Its what GL should've been like.

WB please take notice.

Suicide tornados are out.

Thrilling adventures are in.
Huh, never knew that Alexis Denisof, Wesley from Buffy and Angel, plays Thano's servant on that asteroid in The Avengers and now GOTG.

Saw his name in the credits as 'The Other'.
Saw an IMAX 3D showing today and was blown away by it. Holy ****. Gunn's work on this is stellar as is the cast's. It's basically a Roger Corman piece of B-film scifi trash ala Battle Beyond The Stars or Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone from the 1980s with a potent, stirring soul that makes you not only dig the living hell out of these characters but want to share a beer with them and even shed a tear for them. "I am GROOT!" Indeed, sir. Indeed.