Guardians of the Galaxy

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:lol:lol:rotfl:rotfl I love how you put it

Sounds like a name of a punk band. :lol

Saw an IMAX 3D showing today and was blown away by it. Holy ****. Gunn's work on this is stellar as is the cast's. It's basically a Roger Corman piece of B-film scifi trash ala Battle Beyond The Stars or Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone from the 1980s with a potent, stirring soul that makes you not only dig the living hell out of these characters but want to share a beer with them and even shed a tear for them. "I am GROOT!" Indeed, sir. Indeed.


I also love how the music keeps us the audience connected to a movie set in space.
Loved the black light joke. :rotfl

That might have been the funniest one in the movie. Saw it last night and loved it. The beginning was very powerful and a strong opening. I then took my kids this afternoon and they loved it. Extremely funny and a great mix of characters that each gave me a reason to like them.

Also, I saw in the credits that Rob Zombie voiced something with the Ravagers. I didn't hear anything that sounded like him during my 2nd viewing.
That might have been the funniest one in the movie. Saw it last night and loved it. The beginning was very powerful and a strong opening. I then took my kids this afternoon and they loved it. Extremely funny and a great mix of characters that each gave me a reason to like them.

Also, I saw in the credits that Rob Zombie voiced something with the Ravagers. I didn't hear anything that sounded like him during my 2nd viewing.

He might have been the ugly half blue one they focused on continually.
Saw it tonight. Really fun movie. In another year it might be my favorite comic movie, but X-Men and Cap were soo good. Rooker was a pleasant surprise to me being such an ornery bastard. Looking forward to seeing more of him an Nebula, who was really cool, and of course, guy from the end of credits.
Also, I saw in the credits that Rob Zombie voiced something with the Ravagers. I didn't hear anything that sounded like him during my 2nd viewing.

I believe I read he was the voice of their ship...?

And yeah, Fillion voiced the big blue guy Groot picks up by the nose in the prison.
Why are the villains always so underdeveloped. look great but never really used to capacity.

I am trying to see how Thanos will gather all the infinity gems before avengers 3.

It's funny how everybody in the galaxy know what Thanos wants and is except the heroes of earth.

That's what I'm wondering. How does he get all 6 before Avengers 3? Unless he already has a few we don't know about.
Always been a DC guy.

Marvel has my full attention and love after this movie. The fact that they even allowed James Gunn to put this vision on film speaks volumes of that bunch.

It's one of those movies that resonates. I've gotta see it again.

And yes....I want toys.
Just got back, I gotta admit, Marvel is 2/2 this year, I almost gave up on them after the lackluster films they released last year.

I think this was easily better than TWS, and now ranks only behind Iron Man 1 as my favorite Marvel Studios produced film. I hope Marvel keeps it up.

The movie was far from perfect though, I think DOFP was not only the best superhero movie of the year, but the best movie of the summer. I’m not a fan of Pratt as Starlord, and Bradley Cooper’s voice for RR didn’t do it for me. I would have preferred if they hired someone like Jason Statham to voice him.

Drax stole the show in my opinion. Batista did a great job, blows everything The Rock has done in his acting career so far out the water with this role.
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Just got back, I gotta admit, Marvel is 2/2 this year, I almost gave up on them after the lackluster films they released last year.

I think this was easily better than TWS, and now ranks only behind Iron Man 1 as my favorite Marvel Studios produced film. I hope Marvel keeps it up.

The movie was far from perfect though, I think DOFP was not only the best superhero movie of the year, but the best movie of the summer. I’m not a fan of Pratt as Starlord, and Bradley Cooper’s voice for RR didn’t do it for me. I would have preferred if they hired someone like Jason Statham to voice him.

Drax stole the show in my opinion. Batista did a great job, blows everything The Rock has done in his acting career so far out the water with this role.

Agree 110% although I felt Bradley Cooper was great as Rocket and far more funny than any of his other films (Hangover included).

Drax (Batista) was the most likeable of the bunch.