Guardians of the Galaxy

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I really liked Batista too. Although I don't feel that he stole the show. I think Chris Pratt did. Every time he wasn't on screen, I wanted him to be back on screen. Haha The nonsense he said/blurted out was right on point with my immature "clean" approach to comedy.
I'm sorry, but bank robberies? Giant boulders? Cool stuff, but I think this might have one of the best opening scenes ever.:lol
Saw this last night, absolutely loved it. Great tone to the film and some awesome action scenes. Character interaction was played very very well (was hilarious with Star Lord and Drax) and the "let me guess, the answer is I am Groot?" lines just had me laughing. My friend that went and saw it with me said who knew Bautista could act?

All round I'd say this is in my top 5 Marvel movies.
Stan Lee cameo is awesome.

Mid credit scene awesome

Post credit scene freaking hilarious for the die hard marvel fans, i was the only one laughing in the theatre :lol

Overall a fun movie from start to finish
Seeing this ish today and going in with zero expectations. Wont let the internet trick me. Wish me luck bros!!!
Saw it again today, and I think I enjoyed it even more. Still laughed at all of the moments and had a great time. Will probably see it again tomorrow.
This is gonna do really well at the box office, which is great because now we get Marvel Studios ready to make more untested properties and more cosmic stuff :yess:
I loved Bautista's reaction after Groot slammed those guys he impaled against the wall.

Biojex is right, a dancing mini Groot is a must buy, i'll place him on my kitchen window. :lol

Yeah, some of the jokes fell flat, but most connected.

Yeah, some of the flying ship battles were an editing mess, but most of it looked awesome.

Yeah, maybe a grittier voice for Racoon would've worked better, but most of his delivery sold the character.

Yeah, maybe Ronan falls flat like most Marvel mcu villains, but he was still very menacing and fun to watch.

Yeah, the final end credit scene was a huge disappointment and let down, but nothing, i'm not giving this one a pass, i'm still angry over it, I wanted AOU footage dammit!
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I loved Bautista's reaction after Groot slammed those guys he impaled against the wall.

Biojex is right, a dancing mini Groot is a must buy, i'll place him on my kitchen window. :lol

Yeah, some of the jokes fell flat, but most connected.

Yeah, some of the flying ship battles were an editing mess, but most of it looked awesome.

Yeah, maybe a grittier voice for Racoon would've worked better, but most of his delivery sold the character.

Yeah, the final end credit scene was a huge disappointment and let down, but nothing, i'm still angry over it, I wanted AOU footage dammit!

That Groot moment got the biggest reaction by far both times I've seen it. And his reaction was brilliant. :lol
That Groot moment got the biggest reaction by far both times I've seen it. And his reaction was brilliant. :lol

Rocket & Groot got big laughs at both screenings I've been to so far. And not just from me :lol

First time I saw it a couple of people also said "Oh My God, that was Howard The Duck!" after the post credit scene.

I would have preferred more of a link to Avengers 2 but I was fine with it as was in keeping with the oddball nature of the movie.

I have a couple of issues with it, not liking one of the main characters being the most specific one but it doesn't affect my enjoyment of the movie as a whole. I love the fact that it never once tries to take itself too seriously and that it doesn't get bogged down with trying to be grounded in reality.

This is a comic book movie that drops all that BS and comes across as a great bit of escapism which is what I feel the genre should always be and I f'ing love it.
Rocket & Groot got big laughs at both screenings I've been to so far. And not just from me :lol

First time I saw it a couple of people also said "Oh My God, that was Howard The Duck!" after the post credit scene.

I would have preferred more of a link to Avengers 2 but I was fine with it as was in keeping with the oddball nature of the movie.

I have a couple of issues with it, not liking one of the main characters being the most specific one but it doesn't affect my enjoyment of the movie as a whole. I love the fact that it never once tries to take itself too seriously and that it doesn't get bogged down with trying to be grounded in reality.

This is a comic book movie that drops all that BS and comes across as a great bit of escapism which is what I feel the genre should always be and I f'ing love it.

Rocket and Groot definitely seem the most liked characters of the group. Rightly so, they're awesome. :lol

On my 2nd viewing I think more people got the cameo and enjoyed it, whereas the first time I saw it it was mostly silence and "WTF?"

I agree, I love that it's a self-aware kind of whacky sci-fi/adventure comic-book movie. It's especially refreshing after all of the "realistic and gritty" comic-book movies we've come to expect. Realism and seriousness is all well and good, but I'll take fun and fantastical every day of the week.
What an enjoyable entertaining film. The character dynamic was also great and they interacted very well.

It was a film with fresh characters and story, not familiar to many, no blockbuster was great. I left so happy and pleased. Can't wait to seem more of the guardians, and it's movies like this that can keep the superhero film world fresh.

And yes, a dancing little Groot is a must!!!
Yeah was totally bored and letdown by the post credit scene. Very disappointed. Didn't like the live-action movie way back when. Not sure why bringing Howard the duck back would be a good idea. I wanted an ultron clip.