Guardians of the Galaxy

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You liked GOTG good for you.
I don't see why you try to compare to DC movies.
In doing so you only remind us that these movies are better.
Are you that insecure that you need to justify your preference by trying to undermine something else?
In the real world the quality of a film has no impact on the quality of another.

Agreed with this part of your post.

I'm not much of a DC fan but even I'm sick of the "We have a talking Racoon your move DC" posts across the net. It's petty
Agreed with this part of your post.

I'm not much of a DC fan but even I'm sick of the "We have a talking Racoon your move DC" posts across the net. It's petty

To be fair both fan bases have their petty members who enjoying flaming each other. Personally I don't care who's "winning" etc. as long as I get to see the characters I love on the big screen.
To be fair both fan bases have their petty members who enjoying flaming each other. Personally I don't care who's "winning" etc. as long as I get to see the characters I love on the big screen.

Exactly! Love all comic films and shows because it's bringing the characters to life. All I can ask is they try.
Saw it today. Some really hilarious scenes!

I thought the movie had a lot of heart, each character got to show some sorrow as well as humor. I'm going to see it again before I pass any real judgements. Something made me like it a lot, but I also was very aware I was watching a movie-- more than any other Marvel movie. It might have been my mood or the specific theater, so I'll give it another shot with my wife.

As to Marvel/DC I am simply enjoying the Marvel movies much more because the DC ones have gotten so damn dark. The Marvel movies can be dramatic, but also fun. And that's what I am looking for in my comic movies.

Now for some specific movie observations:

Loved the CGI on Rocket. Especially when he wakes up in the prison and the hair on half of his face is all smooshed in. Even Racoons can have a bad hair day!

They didn't really do much to build up Thanos in this film. If he's such an intergalactic threat, all they have done to prove this is show that he has a space throne. I would hope that they build him up a bit as we move towards Avengers 3 and show us why people fear him. Because for the non-comic person they have no knowledge of how powerful he is. In the MCU, does he even have any of the infinity stones? 1 is on Asgard, 1 was in the Collector's museum, and now the third is with the Nova Corps.
Saw it today. Some really hilarious scenes!

I thought the movie had a lot of heart, each character got to show some sorrow as well as humor. I'm going to see it again before I pass any real judgements. Something made me like it a lot, but I also was very aware I was watching a movie-- more than any other Marvel movie. It might have been my mood or the specific theater, so I'll give it another shot with my wife.

As to Marvel/DC I am simply enjoying the Marvel movies much more because the DC ones have gotten so damn dark. The Marvel movies can be dramatic, but also fun. And that's what I am looking for in my comic movies.

Now for some specific movie observations:

Loved the CGI on Rocket. Especially when he wakes up in the prison and the hair on half of his face is all smooshed in. Even Racoons can have a bad hair day!

They didn't really do much to build up Thanos in this film. If he's such an intergalactic threat, all they have done to prove this is show that he has a space throne. I would hope that they build him up a bit as we move towards Avengers 3 and show us why people fear him. Because for the non-comic person they have no knowledge of how powerful he is. In the MCU, does he even have any of the infinity stones? 1 is on Asgard, 1 was in the Collector's museum, and now the third is with the Nova Corps.

I believe on is with Hydra as well. Apparently Loki's Staff is an infinity stone as well?
Funny, after recently re-reading Infinity Guantlet, watching the film my two guesses were: 1) Starfox, and 2) Warlock. Either of which would give him a genetic advantage against Thanos.

Starfox would make an interesting twist, I guessed Adam Warlock or Captain Marvel because his mom mentioned his father being surrounded by light.
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Loved the CGI on Rocket. Especially when he wakes up in the prison and the hair on half of his face is all smooshed in. Even Racoons can have a bad hair day!

That was great! :lol

The theater burst out laughing as a whole, which was fun to be apart of & something I haven't witnessed in a looong time at a movie. :yess:
That was great! :lol

The theater burst out laughing as a whole, which was fun to be apart of & something I haven't witnessed in a looong time at a movie. :yess:

Yeah. Haha This movie was the best in theater comedy experience I've had in a long time. And I go to the theater WEEKLY!

The main reason being the comedy hit well with everyone in the audience. Most of the time, I laugh at jokes some don't laugh at, or vice versa. But the entire theater laughed together 95% of the time. Especially the black light line. Haha
Yeah. Haha This movie was the best in theater comedy experience I've had in a long time. And I go to the theater WEEKLY!

The main reason being the comedy hit well with everyone in the audience. Most of the time, I laugh at jokes some don't laugh at, or vice versa. But the entire theater laughed together 95% of the time. Especially the black light line. Haha

Yeah, that line brought some hardy laughs and a few "eews" mixed with laughter! :lol:rotfl
It's definitely the small eyes that are throwing it off. Thanks!

Edit: finally realised what this Thanos reminds me of:
View attachment 125226

Yep, new Thanos looks like a purple piece of ****. And he was modeled after Josh Brolin, which is why the eyes and mouth/lips no longer look like Damion Poitier, the original perfect Thanos from Avengers.
I'm SO glad that Marvel made a movie without the slightest reference to Stark/Iron Man, especially since he rubbed shoulders with the Guardians in the comics. 2014 is truly the year that the MCU moved out from under IM's shadow and stepped into the light. :lecture
I think the racoon will beat the man of steel's box office.

Holy crap.
