Guardians of the Galaxy

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I just have to share....I'm sure this isn't news to most of you......but that's a picture of James Gunn hugging my Son at the red carpet premiere in Hollywood last week. JG posted it on his Instagram page a couple of days ago and now this website used it with their article. Love it.

gavin pic in news article.jpg

Here is the full photo.

Box Office Mojo:

"We Are Groot."

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy ruled the box office this weekend with a fantastic $94 million. That's easily the biggest debut ever for an August release; the previous record holder, The Bourne Ultimatum, opened to $69.3 million in 2007.

Meanwhile, James Brown biopic Get On Up took third place with a modest $14 million debut.

This weekend reversed the box office slump in a big way: the top 12 earned $172.6 million, which is up a whopping 40 percent from the same frame last year. With a packed line-up of major releases coming up, this August is almost certainly going to be the biggest one ever.

Among recent Marvel movies, Guardians of the Galaxy's opening is nearly on par with Captain America: The Winter Soldier's $95 million, and is noticeably higher than Thor: The Dark World's $85.7 million. That's pretty remarkable considering the Guardians were unknown to most moviegoers a year ago, and have few obvious connections to the Avengers at the moment.

Guardians of the Galaxy also opened above recent superhero sequels The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and X-Men: Days of Future Past. Among 2014 releases, it only trails Transformers: Age of Extinction ($100 million) and the previously-mentioned Captain America sequel.

How to explain this huge opening? To begin with, the Marvel Studios brand is about as popular as it gets right now. This feels equivalent in some ways to Pixar Animation circa 2008, when moviegoers had such trust in the brand that they turned up in big numbers to see a movie about a lonely, vocally-challenged robot.

Similarly, Guardians of the Galaxy looked like a tough sell on paper. The current iteration of the team has only been around since 2008, and they don't have anywhere near the built-in recognition of Thor or Captain America. Disney's stellar marketing campaign addressed that issue early and often: from the teaser trailer on, the focus was squarely on building a connection between the audience and this bizarre group. Characters that initially seemed like liabilities—Rocket Raccoon and Groot, specifically—wound up being a major draw, particularly with A-list actors Bradley Cooper and Vin Diesel providing vocal support.

More broadly, the movie consistently managed to look like a fun and (mostly) fresh adventure. Add in an aggressive late marketing push and some very positive reviews (over 90 percent on Rotten Tomatoes), and a new Marvel franchise was born this weekend.

Guardians of the Galaxy wound up having a ton of appeal with women: exit polling indicated that the audience was 44 percent female, which is the biggest share ever for a Marvel Cinematic Universe movie (the previous high was 40 percent for The Avengers). Meanwhile, the audience was 55 percent over the age of 25.

3D shows accounted for 45 percent of ticket sales. Included within that was $11.7 million from IMAX showings, which is easily a new record for the month of August (the previous high was $4.7 million from last year's Elysium).

With strong word-of-mouth ("A" CinemaScore) and great reviews, Guardians of the Galaxy could hold up well for the remainder of the Summer. If it plays like Captain America: The Winter Soldier—possible, though far from guaranteed—it will wind up being the highest-grossing movie of the season in the U.S. with over $250 million.
Saw that yesterday. I thought that was Li'l Coulson :rock Pretty sweet. Its not going to be long before he's rubbing shoulders with Stan Lee in cameos in these films :lol
10/10 for me. Definitely the most fun I've had at the theater this year. The Rocket parts where he was asking for the people's prosthetics had the whole theater in tears laughing. Loved the scenes with Groot as well. All the characters were done well and I love me some Zoe Saldana yum.
So what's everyone's favorite song in the movie?
Mine's Redbone's "Come and Get Your Love." I grew up listening to older songs but it's been a while since I heard that one. It was used perfectly for the title sequence with Quill dancing.

So what's everyone's favorite song in the movie?
Mine's Redbone's "Come and Get Your Love."


I've had it stuck in my head for days now. My second favorite was "Ooh Child" when Star Lord is challenging Ronan. A lot of these songs really get me nostalgic from my childhood family vacations. The soundtrack and characters are probably one of the most appealing things about the film. I loved when the "Guardians of the Galaxy" title popped up with Star Lord as small as can be in the foreground. It was a nice way of showing the audience that this was going to be larger than life.
So what's everyone's favorite song in the movie?
Mine's Redbone's "Come and Get Your Love." I grew up listening to older songs but it's been a while since I heard that one. It was used perfectly for the title sequence with Quill dancing.


I've had it stuck in my head for days now. My second favorite was "Ooh Child" when Star Lord is challenging Ronan. A lot of these songs really get me nostalgic from my childhood family vacations. The soundtrack and characters are probably one of the most appealing things about the film. I loved when the "Guardians of the Galaxy" title popped up with Star Lord as small as can be in the foreground. It was a nice way of showing the audience that this was going to be larger than life.

Third. I downloaded the awesome mix tape volume 1. Great music.
Saw it tonight and loved it, really want to talk about that second in credits scene, but I don't want to ruin it for anybody.

Suffice it to say, it was about as unexpected as could be.
Alright it's time for the Review That No One Asked For™:

This movie is like some old hobbyists' dream machine on a lift. It needs some fine tuning, but I can see where they want to go with it and I like it. By sheer force of will and absolutely A-M-A-Z-I-N-G CGI, Marvel is a guitar sliding all the way to the bank. Those alien worlds easily set a new benchmark in visuals for me. The action was perfectly executed. Loved the punchy-punchy, the zappy-zappy and the Yondu-yondu. The only downside here is the character work wasn't drawing me in as much as I know they could have. The cast has a load of charm and by no means do I think they got close to maximizing their potential on screen... yet. It's the biggest thing I hope they can improve on in the sequel.

-The Quill flashback went against the tone/pace I felt they were trying to set for him and it was just badly performed. They could have kept that part of his life more mysterious rather than awkwardly injecting drama which was so out of place. For some reason his mom looked like Angelina Jolie fresh off a round of plastic surgery.

-I expected Gamora to be tougher to turn around into a hero. If they spent some time showing us she had a reason to stick it to Ronin, I might have gone along with it more. Taken for what it was, it just sounded like a load of BS so Quill and the rest would get behind her. She is forgiven though because Zoe is so very easy to look at.

-Draxx seemed the most limited of the bunch. Of course a good portion of that is meant to be part of his character, but with so many characters going for the laughs, I wouldn't have objected to making him more intense and a lot stronger. The scenes I was hoping to really see him step up, he sort of fizzled. That first encounter with Ronin should have left him with a couple good shots to remember the "Destroyer" by. The minute he got out of the prison was the minute he lost a good part of his presence on the team.

-Speaking of the prison, that was were Rocket and Groot really convinced me they worked for the film. They could have used a few more moments in the film where they took over like that but they definitely made their mark. Though the final "We Are Groot" line wasn't close to the heart-tugging "Superman" at the end of Iron Giant, it was still fun to watch him branch out... Pun intended, get the sticks out of your asses!

-Yondu should have been in there way more. Rooker ate it up and spit it out.

-Ronin was another inexplicable uber-powerful bad guy with a badass weapon to compensate for his blandness. That's fine for most heroes to look good fighting against, but that scene with
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actually worked against both of them. It made Ronin look extremely stupid for defying him and it made
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look ever so slightly ineffectual. Nothing that can't be remedied in future installments I'd wager.

-The Collector is actually the least involving character in the film and after the fairly lame
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I hope he's done eating screen time. He was basically a meeting point here, that's it. Benicio should have let an unknown play him because he's so utterly vacuous.

Anyway, happy to see Marvel find a new strength to work off of. There is evidence of undercooked material and I'm relying on Whedon to charbroil AOU to crispy goodness. Good times and great soundtrack.


I'm off to see Guardians again today. Maybe Chris Pratt's performance will grow on me in time, I hope so because I like everything else about the movie so much.

I went out and bought the Lego Milano at the weekend which is really cool and I've now got all 3 Guardians sets :)

I've had "Hooked on a Feeling" stuck in my head since the first trailers, I also like "Spirit in the Sky" and "Cherry Bomb".
Saw the movie yesterday. Fantastic movie! 10/10. :clap Going to see it again today.
If only Ronan himself was a better written character and played properly...
Making him one-dimentional Kirby style villain was a huge misopportunity.