Guardians of the Galaxy

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My 3 fav:

1. Transformers 4
2. Tammy
3. Transformers 4

Oh that's right. "Uh, it was like when the kids were distracting the teacher by banging on their desks in detention because uh, this was clearly a John Hughes coming of age tale and not a wise-cracking find-the-macguffin-adventure movie." :)

Then the macguffin becomes a letter to the assistant principle .
Yeah, the obvious parallels of this to Breakfast Club are hard to ignore. Group of zany misfits (one of whom being a "thief," one is a wrestler in the movie, one an attractive female, another who resembles a raccoon) who don't get along are forced into a "detention." They aren't all that they appear, and eventually form a close bond against an evil, power hungry tyrant. The misfits team up at the end and in solidarity overcome the domineering tyrant by writing the empowering letter to him. All the drama is enhanced by great pop music of the past. I believe the assistant principal is a Nazi and explodes, but not sure. Like I always say--GOTG is basically "Breakfast Club in Space."
Don't get me wrong, i love the movie, but seriously.... that "dance-off" with Star Lord stalling Ronan. It didn't annoy any of you? That was the stupidest lazy script writing / baffling scenes in the whole movie (in a bad way).

Yup, it stank but most of the fans have made it clear that they'll swallow anything Marvel throws at them.
The funniest part is when they come with contrived explanations to justify poor storytelling.
Your right, Star-Lord should of gone up against what was basically a god to stall him, he would of got one good punch in right? That's gotta be a good 5 seconds gained, or he could of distracted Ronan by ruining his big moment he's be trying to accomplish for so long, annoying him and stopping him from completing his dream as Quill was ruining his moment. The punching Ronan plan is definitely more grounded and realistic tho.
Yeah, the obvious parallels of this to Breakfast Club are hard to ignore. Group of zany misfits (one of whom being a "thief," one is a wrestler in the movie, one an attractive female, another who resembles a raccoon) who don't get along are forced into a "detention." They aren't all that they appear, and eventually form a close bond against an evil, power hungry tyrant. The misfits team up at the end and in solidarity overcome the domineering tyrant by writing the empowering letter to him. All the drama is enhanced by great pop music of the past. I believe the assistant principal is a Nazi and explodes, but not sure. Like I always say--GOTG is basically "Breakfast Club in Space."

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Yup, it stank but most of the fans have made it clear that they'll swallow anything Marvel throws at them.
The funniest part is when they come with contrived explanations to justify poor storytelling.

Agreed. So disappointing that they didn't let Ronan kill half the world, then snap his neck, then pair up and make out before smugly telling the survivors not to come looking for them as they headed out for a well earned lunch in Italy.
I could see Chris Pratt being a new rebooted Indiana Jones. (srs)

Star Lord was like the best of Han Solo and Luke Skywalker rolled into one. When I was a kid, I loved Luke Skywalker. A few years later when I got a little older though (an older kid), I preferred Han Solo. Peter Quill is like the best of both worlds.
Yeah, it was too optimistic and upbeat.

I also had a problem with the characters being so colorful in both appearance and personality. They should have been more subdued in my opinion.
Peter should have gotten beat up by Ronan halfway through, then fought him exactly the same way at the end. except he wins this time because it's the end.
Guys, why are you being so hard on TDKR and MoS? They're murky, realistic, dark, realistic, grounded, realistic, gritty, realistic, real, realistic, characters. You cant really compare them to these Marvel bros.
Also, when Quill as a child tells the story about the frog, his mother should have said, "And that's why you should always let the children die, rather than saving them, if the opportunity ever comes up. **** those little bastards. I'm gonna commit suicide now, and you better not stop me!"

Maybe it's just me, but that would have given the movie a lot more emotional resonance. Also, would have made it more "grounded" and "realistic."