Guillermo del Toro's Pacific Rim!!!

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It needs to make over 400 million to just break even. :lol

not always, depends what kind of deal the studio has with the theater companies. Some studios can take 70% of the profit if they can swing the deal, but I'll take a guess that Rim doesn't have that deal as that's mostly a sequel deal. Still though, it's not doing that bad, not great but not horrible, I'd say it's about the middle of the road. It might top off around 300 million. Blu Ray sales should be strong for this as well.
What? No it wasn't, we found a small writing blind spot and it's supposed to be like that? :lol no way.

It slipped their minds, it's understandable considering how well made the movie is, let's just leave it at that.
Nah. But I do think you're a ****. Damn. I had hopes for you. But yeah, once a **** always a ****.

well, I'm not the one that made the joke. I just thought it was pretty funny so....:lol

( Specially because your explosive reactions to everything all the time only proves nash right :dance )
Well yes. Yes he did. I'm sure they discussed it. But they understood the moment of the scene outweighs the logic.

I guess, when it comes to movies like this, i don't really look at logic the same way. If the scene has a point, which it did, and it had to jump through a few hoops to make it work, then so be it.

TDK doesn't make too much sense if you really break it down, but the effectiveness of the scenes hold up.
well, I'm not the one that made the joke. I just thought it was pretty funny so....:lol

( Specially because your explosive reactions to everything all the time only proves nash right :dance )

I just wanted to insult you, because you, in theory, insulted me. :lol
Mhmmm but TDK really does make sense to me, but why talk about TDK? You bring up OT comments and then you scold me for continuing them :lol

My bet is that they didn't, it's a subtle scene and it just slipped their minds, is understandable, no biggie.

Also, you don't need to bypass logic to create a "moment", it paid off here, but some small writing details in that bit could've made it completely flawless as well as creating the moment.

Still, that is in no way a complaint, movie is great as it is.
There's a lot of things in TDK that don't logically make sense, but those have been stated over and over and over, so it useless at this point. :lol

The logic of the Joker's plans are wildly over the top, BUT...they work because the film is rooted in character, and the moments so no matter how incredibly implausible the film is, it works.
Well, I missed those debates cause I wasn't a member when that movie came out, and sure as hell I don't want another endless bitter-driven debate :lol but so far they make sense to me.

Now TDKR is another thing, that to me, is a clear example of moments vs logic :lol still like it though.

OT over for me.