I have the FBI statistics from 2011 sitting in front of me right now. Under these 2 categories, rifles and firearms (type unknown) there were 1992 murders committed. Rifles 315, firearms (type unknown) 1677. Now take into account that firearms (type unknown) doesn't neccesarrily mean that the murders were committed with a rifle, so the over all number committed with a rifle would most likely be lower. In that same period, 1668 people were killed with knives, 1645 people were killed with other weapons (non firearm), and 718 were killed with hands, fists, feet, etc. I didn't bother with shotguns because that was relatively a low number. So to summarize in 2011 there were twice as many people killed by non-firearm related weapons than were killed with rifles, shotguns, and firearms (type unknown) combined? Feel safer yet? Going strictly by the rifle column there were more people killed by being beaten with hands and fist or strangled than were killed with rifles. What does she is going to accomplish? People would **** if they actually did a little bit of searching and seen how many murders were done by non firearms. Guess 5 years down the road we'll be banning knives? Wonder how we're going to ban hands?For anyone worried about price gouging, here is the reason why: Feinstein has released a summary of her bill. This is the tip of the iceberg. Buy NOW!!!!!!!!
Right there, this is what they're coming after. Even grandfathered guns are going to be under assault. This is no joke people.
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