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Where are you guys finding the ammo? Online?

Local also.

I've been talking to retailers. They've been giving me advice on when they get their shipments each week and what time they have their inventory ready. My LGS hasn't been as helpful since they get stuff every day and who knows what happens with their inventory, but the mid sized sporting stores have been useful.
Can't wait!!! Soon my precious will arrive.
Speaking of pmags. These are my first gen 3's. I dig the extra texturing on them.
I just scored a scar16s, what do you guys suggest for optics, aimpoint, acog, eotech........?

I have a 4 power ACOG on mine, like the other guys have already said, just depends on how you plan on using it. With the ACOG I have on mine I took it out to 500 yards and was tagging steel consistently. I wanted to bring it back further but at the time it was scorching hot! Congrats on getting it!
Daaaam those tavors look sweet, I missed out on the pre orders, hopefully I can find one down the road
darkknight, have you shot your MK25 yet?

What kind of mags do they take...just normal ones for the P226 right? are those sold out everywhere too?
darkknight, have you shot your MK25 yet?

What kind of mags do they take...just normal ones for the P226 right? are those sold out everywhere too?

I'm not sure if they are sold out or even hard to find too. Right now the 3 mags that it came with is good enough for me since I would go straight to my glock since I'm stock up on those.

But I would stick with OEM mags if you plan on getting more. But not to sure if there are any third parties that makes them.
Took my super blackhawk to the range today. Great gun! I'm keeping this one forever. Kick is about the same as my smith 629 I think. I'd have to take them both and shoot 'em both to compare better. Kick is definately manageable. But the cool part of my visit was there were a couple guys next to me shooting a smith .460. The shockwave from that thing was crazy and they were in the booth right next to me and my dad. After a while the range cleared out and it was just them and us so I started up a convo asking them about the gun. Well they let me shoot it. The recoil was less than my .44! Huge gun so I'm sure that helped. Now I want one. Expensive handgun but man was it cool. The bullets are like twice the size of a 44mag but are so manageable. And the gun was super accurate too. I hit the bullseye with ease. Mind you it was only about 40 feet away but we were at a small range. Great time today
What's the new policy?

Something along the lines of if a civilian cannot legally own one of their products due to being banned in the state that they will no longer sell the same product to any government agencies of that state. They just want to be all legal and all don'tch know.:monkey3. I hope every firearm and accessory company does the same. Stupidity should hurt.
That could be a dangerous stand in a free market society. If some other company pops up and sells a competitive product, the state will just give the bid to the next supplier...but I like the sentiment! I want me a SBR!!!!
That could be a dangerous stand in a free market society.

Most stands-worth-taking are.

There was a hunting/camping/outdoor/gun show up north scheduled for a few weeks ago -- biggest show in the country. They banned "modern sporting rifles" from the show because of all the hullaballoo. The ban would've affected only a small number of vendors ... most didn't sell such weapons. So many vendors pulled out -- including vendors that don't even sell guns, much less "modern sporting rifles" (like Horton Crossbows, tent manufacturers, boat companies, etc.) -- that they ended up having to cancel the whole show.

They lost customers. They lost sponsors. They lost vendors. You might be surprised at how united this industry can be. Here's hoping Larue is a trendsetter.

That could be a dangerous stand in a free market society. If some other company pops up and sells a competitive product, the state will just give the bid to the next supplier...but I like the sentiment! I want me a SBR!!!!

You're right, that somebody else could try to take LaRue's place (likely many will), but they're also subject to the risk of being rejected by others while LaRue will probably spike in civilian sales.

Most stands-worth-taking are.

There was a hunting/camping/outdoor/gun show up north scheduled for a few weeks ago -- biggest show in the country. They banned "modern sporting rifles" from the show because of all the hullaballoo. The ban would've affected only a small number of vendors ... most didn't sell such weapons. So many vendors pulled out -- including vendors that don't even sell guns, much less "modern sporting rifles" (like Horton Crossbows, tent manufacturers, boat companies, etc.) -- that they ended up having to cancel the whole show.

They lost customers. They lost sponsors. They lost vendors. You might be surprised at how united this industry can be. Here's hoping Larue is a trendsetter.


Yeah, that was a huge deal. A ton of companies distanced themselves quickly and I think the event organizer is the same group that does ShotShow.