There's really nothing for me personally to be "happy" about. IN MY OPINION!!!!!!!!!!!!, a bunch of cops getting angry cause they can't personally buy LaRue firearms (which is why I asked at the VERY beginning of this conversation,if LaRue had any local or state contracts? The original poster said he didn't know or that they didnt. Again, READ FOR UNDERSTANDING!!!) just doesn't amount to much in my book. It's an empty threat and selling wooden nickels UNTIL, those threats start costing politicians political cash...LIKE MOVING MANUFACTURING FACILITIES OR ALL THE MANUFACTURERS REFUSING TO SELL TO POLICE DEPARTMENTS!!! That will cost political!+ politicians pay attention too!!!
If they can get ALL the manufacturers to stop selling, that would be outstanding. But as long as departments can just buy colt or bushmaster or S&W, it will be hard for this to mean anything. Again, why don't you go back and read my original post instead of jumping on one comment and getting your girlie skivvies all in a bunch.
Why is that so hard for you thick gun heads to get?!?! I don't disagree with the principle of what they are trying to do but it's not worth much until the politicians have some skin in the game.
Lets take this on in the PM realm cause this is the reason why we keep this thread about collecting and not gun culture discussions.
We are gonna collectively get this thread shut down...and I don't want to see that happen.