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Aren't most law enforcement officers responsible for purchasing their own patrol rifles? I can see how this could impact a lot of the officers in the states affected by these statements.
Do I buy the Sig Scorpion 1911 or the OD green Springfield 1911 operator...decisions!
Again, you are inferring things I never said. I am not mad at all, albeit frustrated that some people, like yourself, can't have a decent discussion. I stated my opinion about what LaRue and several others companies were doing. You and a few others stated what you thought about my opinion. That's completely different. Not sure how else to make you understand as it seems you are bent on attacking and not listening/ reading. I never said two words about you or anyone else's opinion on the matter but you, in your infinite Google wisdom, decided you should attack my opinion. Theres no need for all. If you disagree, just say you support LaRue and be done with it. Why drag what I said into your supportive statement?!?! Just so you can show how much of a LaRue fanboy you are??? Makes no sense and it is juvenile.

So you refuse to read...that is why you are speaking from a position of ignorance. My opinion is based on the conversation and post of the original no need to research a company I care nothing about. I simply said if they aren't canceling current contracts, withdrawing their participation in bidding or making an economic effect in any way, as reported by the OP, then the threat is empty. Period.

Your support for LaRue and god knows what else, blinds you from reading what I'm writing without interjecting your own preconceived ideas into it.

And that's your ignorant opinion....and it's wrong.

Me having the hissy fit :lol:lol:slap

It's you fanboy foil heads that are all up in arms.

again, I don't care that you may have a differing opinion, its your inability to say anything with out being insulting. I am ignorant about one thing though, I have no idea who LaRue is, so not sure how that makes me a fanboy.

Point of fact, people posted their opinions about what LaRue and others were doing. You posted that your opinion that it was useless unless it directly effected (or affected, not sure, after all I am ignorant) govt and law enforcement. So your opinion directly speaks as to how you feel about the opinions expressed previously. In essence you disagree with the opinion of those who posted they thought it was a good idea. Naturally when you post a differing opinion you end up causing a debate about which opinion is right or wrong. Now if your going to post your opinions, knowing that those opinions differ to those previously posted, you would have to be ignorant to think that a discussion will not arise. You can cry and moan all day about how hurt you are that people don't like your opinion, but in the end, your the only one who seems not able to accept the fact that people will disagree. At least the others are able to do it without have to resort to insulting you.
Picked up some 20 rounders for my AK, kind of pricey but I needed some mags that is shorter than my 30s and 40s
And that's your ignorant opinion....and it's wrong.


It's you fanboy foil heads that are all up in arms.

I think your morning Cocoa Puffs are turning you into a hysterical woman. (couldn't find a .gif of that one)

What is a "fanboy foil head"?

Me having the hissy fit :lol:lol:slap

Yes, you ...

You do realize I already acknowledged that, right?!?! :slap

F|_|ck! You guys can't f|_|cking read!!!!

There's really nothing for me personally to be "happy" about. IN MY OPINION!!!!!!!!!!!!, a bunch of cops getting angry cause they can't personally buy LaRue firearms (which is why I asked at the VERY beginning of this conversation,if LaRue had any local or state contracts? The original poster said he didn't know or that they didnt. Again, READ FOR UNDERSTANDING!!!) just doesn't amount to much in my book. It's an empty threat and selling wooden nickels UNTIL, those threats start costing politicians political cash...LIKE MOVING MANUFACTURING FACILITIES OR ALL THE MANUFACTURERS REFUSING TO SELL TO POLICE DEPARTMENTS!!! That will cost political!+ politicians pay attention too!!!

If they can get ALL the manufacturers to stop selling, that would be outstanding. But as long as departments can just buy colt or bushmaster or S&W, it will be hard for this to mean anything. Again, why don't you go back and read my original post instead of jumping on one comment and getting your girlie skivvies all in a bunch.

Why is that so hard for you thick gun heads to get?!?! I don't disagree with the principle of what they are trying to do but it's not worth much until the politicians have some skin in the game.

Lets take this on in the PM realm cause this is the reason why we keep this thread about collecting and not gun culture discussions.

We are gonna collectively get this thread shut down...and I don't want to see that happen.


I have a question for the experienced gun collectors.

I'm contemplating acquiring a hand gun from a collector's perspective.

I've always wanted a .44 AUTO MAG or an equivalent in design & style and caliber.

Any recommendations?
Do I buy the Sig Scorpion 1911 or the OD green Springfield 1911 operator...decisions!

SA 1911 Operator!

I have a question for the experienced gun collectors.

I'm contemplating acquiring a hand gun from a collector's perspective.

I've always wanted a .44 AUTO MAG or an equivalent in design & style and caliber.

Any recommendations?

Colt Python!
again, I don't care that you may have a differing opinion, its your inability to say anything with out being insulting. I am ignorant about one thing though, I have no idea who LaRue is, so not sure how that makes me a fanboy.

Point of fact, people posted their opinions about what LaRue and others were doing. You posted that your opinion that it was useless unless it directly effected (or affected, not sure, after all I am ignorant) govt and law enforcement. So your opinion directly speaks as to how you feel about the opinions expressed previously. In essence you disagree with the opinion of those who posted they thought it was a good idea. Naturally when you post a differing opinion you end up causing a debate about which opinion is right or wrong. Now if your going to post your opinions, knowing that those opinions differ to those previously posted, you would have to be ignorant to think that a discussion will not arise. You can cry and moan all day about how hurt you are that people don't like your opinion, but in the end, your the only one who seems not able to accept the fact that people will disagree. At least the others are able to do it without have to resort to insulting you.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. I never posted a single word about anyone's opinion about LaRue. Again, you should really stop to go back and read the entire conversation. Because you won't, you are speaking out of ignorance...which makes your comments ignorant. Which is not an insult, it's a malleable state of being. The op posted a fact about what LaRue is deciding to do to law enforcement agencies and govt entity's in states that enact stricter gun laws. I made no comment about what they thought about LaRue's action. I stated an opinion about LaRue's action. Two totally different things. After that, you and others started commenting about my opinion. This would have ended several pages back if you and others would have just stated your opinion about LaRue's stance instead of feeling the need to defend LaRue...and in my book, that would make you a fanboy. If you don't like the term, I take it back...better :huh

I would have made the same comment if someone came in here talking about reducing mag capacity curbs's just an empty premise.

never mind, Josh is right. Not worth the headache, time to use the ignore feature of the forums.
I have a question for the experienced gun collectors.

I'm contemplating acquiring a hand gun from a collector's perspective.

I've always wanted a .44 AUTO MAG or an equivalent in design & style and caliber.

Any recommendations?

I'll second the colt Python, rumor is my wife got me one for my bday next month or our anniversary....I hope it's the bady so don't have to wait long. The Python is the gun of legend, at least for me it is.