Broke and happy
Ok u had ur fun
Give me a serious answer
The Exorcist, The Witch, Fright Night 1, Halloween 1, Night of the Living Dead
I also thought of LB but it lost out to FN.
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Ok u had ur fun
Give me a serious answer
Hmmm 5 scary horrifying movies
3. TPM
4. JL
5. GL
The Exorcist, The Witch, Fright Night 1, Halloween 1, Night of the Living Dead
I also thought of LB but it lost out to NOTLD.
Hmmm 5 scary horrifying movies
3. TPM
4. JL
5. GL
Wow they just caught the original Night Stalker after 40 years and it's a damn ex-cop! Myers is next.
Anyway, first footage seen and it sounds impressive.
We Saw The First Halloween Footage, It Was Terrifying
The horror/scifi horror category is just too broad to break it down into just 5 best movies anyways it’s a near impossible task.
I mean how could anyone ever pick one of these over the other you just can’t. It’s like they’re all just tied for 1st place lol
Exorcist, Jaws, Alien, Aliens, Predator 1, The Thing (both), Halloween 1, F13th 1, War of the Worlds, Forbidden Planet, American Werewolf in London, Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, The Omen, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1, Nightmare on Elm Street and there are tons more!
Hmmm 5 scary horrifying movies
3. TPM
4. JL
5. GL
Lost boys
Dusk till dawn
The thing
Freight night
The exorcist
Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
I don’t know how I feel about this:
[FONT="][SIZE=5]Jamie Lee Curtis came out onstage to introduce the footage herself, explaining that she hopped onboard the project the moment she heard Green and McBride's pitch (she did not elaborate). She went on to promise everyone in attendance that the film would "scare the **** out of" them, and lemme tell ya: if the trailer we saw today is any indication, Jamie Lee Curtis did not lie - this **** was [I]intense[/I].
[FONT="]The trailer opens with a pair of researchers (?) entering an open-air courtyard in a mental institution. We quickly realize that they're there to see Michael Myers, who's positioned at the center of the courtyard. One of the two retrieves the famous Michael Myers mask from his bag and holds it out to the looming killer: "I've got something I think you'd like to see." The score intensifies over quick shots of the drooling, gibbering patients surrounding Myers and a barking guard dog, and then - boom, we're hearing that old familiar John Carpenter score.
[FONT="][SIZE=5]Curtis' Laurie Strode is front and center in this footage. This is an older, meaner, wearier Laurie Strode than we've ever seen. Now living in a house out in the middle of nowhere (complete with a mannequin for target practice set up out back), Laurie seems to have spent the past four decades preparing for her next encounter with Michael Myers...and boy, does she look ready for it.
[FONT="]It's impossible to recall the trailer beat for beat, but some of the highlights included: a scene wherein Myers tracks a woman to a bathroom stall, reaches one bloody hand over the door, and drops a handful of teeth on the ground; a quick dialogue exchange that casually reconfigures Halloween franchise mythology (you'll know it when it happens); shots of Myers stalking a neighborhood on Halloween, slashing his way through a number of houses, while Laurie screams at crowds of trick-r-treaters to get to safety.
[FONT="][SIZE=5]One particularly great moment was an exchange between Curtis and Will Patton's sheriff. Laurie tells the cop, "I've prayed every night that he'd escape." Sheriff: "Why on earth would you do that?" Laurie: "So I could kill him."
[FONT="]I confess to you that I may have cheered.
[FONT="]I cannot overstate how excellent this trailer was. Of course we're going to have to wait and see how the final film turns out, and of course your mileage may vary on the footage I saw today, but the crowd I saw this trailer with went absolutely bananas, and I think there's a good chance you will, too. I've got a good feeling about this one.[/FONT]
I thought his brutal murder off oscar winner Octavia Spencer was awesome lol
Yeah the movie requires some, lets say, ibuprofen lol