Halloween (October 19th, 2018)

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her murder in halloween 2 is ever worse and more realistic

rob zombie is a hack
That blonde chick in H4 was hot didn’t she have a nude scene in that movie I don’t remember.

Harris was also a hottie but she shares a boy like physique with Daisy Ridley lol
I break Halloween down into 2 categories.

1. Mysterious force movie with that force for unknown reasons materializing in a guy named Michael Myers.
2. Slasher movie with a guy named Michael Myers.

I break it down into three categories:

1. Mysterious force movie with that force for unknown reasons materializing in a guy named Michael Myers.
2. Halloween themed witchcraft movie with that Irish guy trying to kill millions of children with magic from Stonehenge.
3. Diarrhea
You don’t like slasher movies?

There are some really good ones out there.

F13th part 1 is still king of them.

Oh, I guess I read you wrong then. I was talking about the different types of movies in the Halloween series. :lol

For slashers I like:

Scream 1 and 2
Nightmare 1

That's about all I can think of ATM...
I break it down into five categories:

1. H1 - Awesome
2. H2 - Enjoyable
3. H3 - Rocks
4. RZ H1 - Sucks
5. RZ H2 - Garbage
That blonde chick in H4 was hot didn’t she have a nude scene in that movie I don’t remember.

Harris was also a hottie but she shares a boy like physique with Daisy Ridley lol

There’s a bra shot but I don’t think we see anything really.

Best horror sex scene goes to F13 remake, that one’s close to porn and the chick is hot, only negative is the ********* from Transformers that she’s with lol.
her murder in halloween 2 is ever worse and more realistic

rob zombie is a hack

I liked his first attempt alright, but imo the second one was weird, meandering crap. I feel like Zombie must not have even wanted to be there while he was filming it. Danielle Harris and Brad Dourif returning were one of the few bright spots in an otherwise forgettable movie.
There’s a bra shot but I don’t think we see anything really.

Best horror sex scene goes to F13 remake, that one’s close to porn and the chick is hot, only negative is the ********* from Transformers that she’s with lol.

I not only 100% agree with you, I 100 billion % agree with you lol

Nothing can touch that. That guy played a great wealthy **** though I loved his scream in that movie.

You know that’s her in Civil War during Stark’s MIT presentation the girl that apologizes to Stark about Pepper Potts.

Shame the actual movie sucked save for the great machete kill in the opening and that hot blonde.

Punisher Warzone was actually the gorier of the 2 movies that same year that’s embarrassing for a F13 remake.

Then again F13th legacy is all about being butchered by the MPAA and lack of gore other than 1 and 4.
I liked his first attempt alright, but imo the second one was weird, meandering crap. I feel like Zombie must not have even wanted to be there while he was filming it. Danielle Harris and Brad Dourif returning were one of the few bright spots in an otherwise forgettable movie.

I thought his brutal murder off oscar winner Octavia Spencer was awesome lol
:lol :lol

That should be on her oscar sizzle reel lol

Her crawling on her stomach while Myers slams her spine with that giant knife.

Zombie’s H2 does not suck for me it’s actually better than his first one because at least it was his vision instead of copying Carpenters.

I liked hobo Myers being lead by his ghostly satanic suicide white trash stripper mom. :lol

When he stepped out of that van it was insane how Zombie created the size perspective to show how massive he was.

It’s the best “slasher” version of that character.
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I hope a naked Grace ghost haunts him.

Graceanormal Activity.

Go to the "best horror movie in a franchise" thread and check out chakor bates answers on horror movie franchises :lol
He hates almost all the franchises that other horror fan guy posted in his thread
Go to the "best horror movie in a franchise" thread and check out chakor bates answers on horror movie franchises :lol
He hates almost all the franchises that other horror fan guy posted in his thread

I like my fair share of horror, just not the usual suspects. My favorites would be:

H1 and H3
Gremlins 1 and 2
Twilight Zone The Movie (fourth segment only)

Come at me.
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PH for me is a really crappy movie.

I just watched it a few months ago trying to give it another chance and I had to shut it off lol

If PH is in your top 5 horror movies of all time well then I think we’re done here lol
I like my fair share of horror, just not the usual suspects. My top 5 would be:

H1 and H3
Gremlins 1 and 2
Twilight Zone The Movie (fourth segment only)

Come at me.

Ewwww ewww chakor NOOO eww ewww!!!
I knew it i knew it!!! I knew there was a reason u hated grace so much... ewwewwww