I know so was I![]()
All credibility lost...
I know so was I![]()
If you see the crap in my movie collection you would quickly learn that cinematic credibility is not one of my priorities in life.
I have literally went from watching Black Orpheus straight into Toxic Avenger lol
A few fun scares..... and some heavy atmosphere....
What else can the bring to the table at this point?
Pretty much every "good" horror film ever made.![]()
Yea, plot helps too....besides hide and fight to boogey man....
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Cabin in the Woods kinda did that turning the tables on the baddies.
I would have “The Shape” turn out to be a military experiment lol
I say we follow MM when he is not killing. Where does he hang out? Who he likes on Facebook. Is he on tinder? Or whatever ****ing site you kids hangout on. Then we can sympathy with him. Feel his pain as you will.
I think the idea could still work today with a little suspension of disbelief. The original was set in a small town. You still have murders in towns across the country that go unsolved. I don't see how it's completely not plausible in today's world.
Scary? No. Seeing Halloween as a kid was scary, but all kinds of **** is scary when you're a kid. As an adult I don't think I would find Halloween scary just suspenseful. If it can make me anxious while watching it then it will be enjoyable.