Insufferable S.O.B.
Great point. The worst of all are those Star Wars movies. Those actors need to stop living in the past.
They have kids to feed and cocaine to buy.
Great point. The worst of all are those Star Wars movies. Those actors need to stop living in the past.
Great point. The worst of all are those Star Wars movies. Those actors need to stop living in the past.
At some point I wonder I the nostalgia train will run off the rails and backfire?
So bizarre for me to hear '90s music on "classic rock" radio.It ha a number of times. It will again. Unfortunately there seems to be a lot of people who buy into it. So we're stuck with remakes and reboots until the Me generation disappears.
Then we'll all have movies about cellphones, Bill Gates and "The Selfy Movie".
So bizarre for me to hear '90s music on "classic rock" radio.
So bizarre for me to hear '90s music on "classic rock" radio.
Then we'll all have movies about cellphones, Bill Gates and "The Selfy Movie".
You either die a hero... or live long enough to hear the muzak versions of your childhood classics in an elevator.
Man that looks like crap.
the future is NOW Grandpa
That's the worst. I was listening to a radio ad yesterday that used a cutesy version of a Police song as the theme. Made me want to run people over. And I should have, in hindsight. Speaking of Slayer, I would be OK if someone did that with Raining Blood or Dead Skin Mask, though.I really freaking hate when diaper commercials play ramones or blondie commercials.... wtf. Im sure the bands are super happy with the thousands they got paid, but it sucks