Han and Luke as Stormtroopers - SDCC '09

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Luke with Yoda ala Dagoba would be impressive...

My hopes....Tarkin, Cody, something (anything!) Hoth-related.

Any of that would be really cool to see....
i'm holding out for a 1/6 Rancor....we need another Jabba scene character.

yeah i know....not gonna happen. :(
i'm holding out for a 1/6 Rancor....we need another Jabba scene character.

yeah i know....not gonna happen. :(

I don't think in 2009, but I wouldn't say never. A vinyl roto Rancor like Jabba wouldn't be that expensive, if anything just a slight size issue for folks but I don't see it being more a space taker than a PF or 1:1 bust.
People have posted wikipedia and starwars.com stats before, but I go by what I see in the movie and in the shot where he eats the Gamorrean guard, the Rancor seems like maybe 3 times the size of that, so about 36" tall give or take.
I don't think it really needs to be perfectly in scale with a "real" rancor. I think three times the height of a 12" figure would be sufficient.
Exactly, they did things with the filmmaking to make it seem larger, like the shot of Luke throwing the bone in the mouth, but if you take the bone the Sideshow Luke has, and compare it to the size of the bone once in the film Rancor's mouth, a 3 foot Rancor should be right in scale to that. Go with the right pose and do a kickass job on the paint apps and sculpt and no one should care if it's 6" short or whatever.
I don't think in 2009, but I wouldn't say never. A vinyl roto Rancor like Jabba wouldn't be that expensive, if anything just a slight size issue for folks but I don't see it being more a space taker than a PF or 1:1 bust.

After Jabba, I think anything is possible. A Rancor wouldn't need that much articulation either. Shoulders, hips and jaw would probably be enough. Jabba just had arms afterall. Size is always an issue, but since Sideshow is making a 1:2 Iron Man, size shouldn't be an issue. Price maybe. What would seem fair? $300? $400? $500? More? :horror

I can definatley see the Rancor eventually happening, but probably not this year. I think the Emperor/Throne set up would be a good choice or the bounty hunters. Vader wowed last year, lets hope they wow again this year. The year after Jabba's announcement was so anti-climatic: Bespin Luke and CW Padme :rolleyes:
Yeah, 2007 was rough.

I don't expect to see bounty hunters this year, but hopefully the year that Boba Fett is released, we'll also see Bossk, IG-88, etc. I'm anticipating those ones more than Fett, actually.
After Jabba, I think anything is possible. A Rancor wouldn't need that much articulation either. Shoulders, hips and jaw would probably be enough. Jabba just had arms afterall. Size is always an issue, but since Sideshow is making a 1:2 Iron Man, size shouldn't be an issue. Price maybe. What would seem fair? $300? $400? $500? More? :horror

I can definatley see the Rancor eventually happening, but probably not this year. I think the Emperor/Throne set up would be a good choice or the bounty hunters. Vader wowed last year, lets hope they wow again this year. The year after Jabba's announcement was so anti-climatic: Bespin Luke and CW Padme :rolleyes:

I think you're estimates on Rancor Price are a bit high. Jabba as a minimal articulation hollow vinyl piece was $120, I'd say a Rancor in the same manner should come in around $250 at the most.

As for this year's SDCC, I suppose we could be in for a big treat, and with only one year to go off it's hard to nail down a trend, but so far, the even years have been the BIG shows and the odd have been small.

I just hope for variety, if all the new stuff was just different armored troops I'd be bummed. I want Cody and Gree and all, but I just wouldn't want the big event of the year to be narrowed to one type of character, no matter how diverse the weapons and armor. mix in an alien and a human or two to keep it fresh.
i would dig seeing the color varied Clones released as a sub category in addition to the already established schedule... i would love to have the option of 3 or more extra figures a year.
I think you're estimates on Rancor Price are a bit high. Jabba as a minimal articulation hollow vinyl piece was $120, I'd say a Rancor in the same manner should come in around $250 at the most.

Prices have gone up a bit since Jabba so that might make it a bit higher. But I doubt it'd be more than a PF.