Han and Luke as Stormtroopers - SDCC '09

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Got my shipping notice, mine will also arrive Thursday. Guess I just should have had more patience. :lol
I checked the e-mail account last night where I get my SS emails and no shipping notice which is why I thought it didn't ship at first. I checked today and early this morning I got a status e-mail telling me my order shipped.

I only knew it shipped because after seeing you guys post your order times I decided to check mine on my SS account and low and behold it showed shipped with a UPS tracking number.

I think the people on the east coast and in the mid west are shipping first and the west coasters last becuase they want everyone to get theres around the time SDCC starts or during the week its going on so both attendess and non attendees have them around the same time.
The ship to east coast first usually. Everyone will still get theirs at roughly the same time. (vader was an exception to the rule)
Mine is UPS, but I have requested everything be sent by UPS because I always seem to ave problems with FedEx. It's weird.
UPS is pretty good! I have a really good delievery driver tthat handles my route .
When i frist started collecting SS I had some reall issues with Fed-Ex . I had 3 packages come to me where the packaging was pretty beat up and I could tell by the condition of the shipper box that it had been trhough alot. Sideshow replaced my boxes but have been using UPS ever since.

As far as the shippign notice some have gotten ,mine shipped last Friday but I have yet to
get a UPS Quantam Notice e-mailed to me! I can track the order on the SS website toough.
UPS is pretty good! I have a really good delievery driver tthat handles my route .
When i frist started collecting SS I had some reall issues with Fed-Ex . I had 3 packages come to me where the packaging was pretty beat up and I could tell by the condition of the shipper box that it had been trhough alot. Sideshow replaced my boxes but have been using UPS ever since.

As far as the shippign notice some have gotten ,mine shipped last Friday but I have yet to
get a UPS Quantam Notice e-mailed to me! I can track the order on the SS website toough.

UPS???!!!...Not for us Canadian collectors...In my experience, UPS charges a flat rate brokerage fee of nearly $30 for ANYTHING that comes into Canada. That's ON TOP of shipping charges and any customs/duties to import into the country. At least Fed-Ex only charges a $5 handling fee...


I bought the Star Wars 360 MINT hardcover book from Ebay a couple years ago for $4.99. Shipping was $15 - Total = $20. UPS left a door-knocker at my door for me to come pick up the book and pay them another $50. When I called they said it was their 'flat rate' brokerage fee to get it into the country, plus taxes, duties and an additional handling charge. I sent it back. I wasn't paying $65 for shipping and handling on a $4.99 book! :sick

UPS also charged me the $30 brokerage fee on a Danbury Mint sculpture. Since then, I REFUSE to accept any shipments sent UPS. :emperor

P.S., I still don't have the Star Wars 360 book! :lol
UPS???!!!...Not for us Canadian collectors...In my experience, UPS charges a flat rate brokerage fee of nearly $30 for ANYTHING that comes into Canada. That's ON TOP of shipping charges and any customs/duties to import into the country. At least Fed-Ex only charges a $5 handling fee...


I bought the Star Wars 360 MINT hardcover book from Ebay a couple years ago for $4.99. Shipping was $15 - Total = $20. UPS left a door-knocker at my door for me to come pick up the book and pay them another $50. When I called they said it was their 'flat rate' brokerage fee to get it into the country, plus taxes, duties and an additional handling charge. I sent it back. I wasn't paying $65 for shipping and handling on a $4.99 book! :sick

UPS also charged me the $30 brokerage fee on a Danbury Mint sculpture. Since then, I REFUSE to accept any shipments sent UPS. :emperor

P.S., I still don't have the Star Wars 360 book! :lol

Well sorry to hear that , that certainly does suck that UPS does that .
Its something I have no control over but here in the U.S. I don't have too many complaints .
Well sorry to hear that , that certainly does suck that UPS does that .
Its something I have no control over but here in the U.S. I don't have too many complaints .

Thanks Lordscum. Wish UPS was as good to us north of the border as they are to our American friends! :chew
Arrgh.... Got a quantum notice but it was just a figure I bought from irishjedi. Having these figures sit in Shipping Soon status for so long is killing me.

My Vader is still at Shipping soon, but I've had him for over a week! Yet Han and Luke show shipped!
Mine will be here Thursday. I can't wait to see how they turned out, I hope they look decent.

It does bug me that in their pictures Sideshow placed Luke further away from Han so it would look like he's shorter but I know they will be the exact same height.