Han in Carbonite 1/6!!!!!!!!

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Guessing the floor of the dio will act as a base. And that way you could also easily display a figure or two with him.

yup. Thats my plan. For now, Boushh...then eventually, when SS gets around to making ROTJ 1/6 Boba Fett, probably him! :D
So are you keeping it then or are you speaking of the one you might get later on?
The mythical one I'll get later on :lol

I did cancel my Sideshow order, but its still something I really want.


Not taking the ones on the actual carbonite block, there are lights in the grates at the bottom and on the wall controls. There's also a spotlight (might be from the window) over the top of the carbonite piece. For $200, you'd think SSC could at least include some simple LED lights. I hope the grates are removable so I can at least tinker with getting this thing some proper lighting there.

The piece is great, don't get me wrong, but LED lights for something like this should be standard. Get with the program SSC!
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Bah! I need no lights, and if I decide that I do, I'll add them myself. No need for Sideshow to do that and add to the overall cost of the piece. Then they'd have people complaining about the price. Truly, a "damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't" scenario.
Bah! I need no lights, and if I decide that I do, I'll add them myself. No need for Sideshow to do that and add to the overall cost of the piece. Then they'd have people complaining about the price. Truly, a "damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't" scenario.

You missed the point. For this price, they should have had lights.
You missed the point. For this price, they should have had lights.

I'd have to agree there as well. The price on this is a little steap.

I think what they really could've done was split it up. Make the Carbonite block a seaparate piece and then make the palace wall to go with it. I think a lot of folks would've bought Han in Carbonite by itself rather than shell out for the whole thing.
I concur; lights should have been added to that thing for that amount of money. But now it gives me something to do, on the weekends. I hope it won’t be too hard to put some light in it
Bah! I need no lights, and if I decide that I do, I'll add them myself. No need for Sideshow to do that and add to the overall cost of the piece. Then they'd have people complaining about the price. Truly, a "damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't" scenario.

I agree. Lights would have been cool but not needed honestly. It would have made the piece more exspensive than it is now and thats with it being a lot of polystone if memory serves me correctly. I agree with your last sentence totally.


Not taking the ones on the actual carbonite block, there are lights in the grates at the bottom and on the wall controls. There's also a spotlight (might be from the window) over the top of the carbonite piece. For $200, you'd think SSC could at least include some simple LED lights. I hope the grates are removable so I can at least tinker with getting this thing some proper lighting there.

The piece is great, don't get me wrong, but LED lights for something like this should be standard. Get with the program SSC!

I believe all the lighting is from overhead, either a light or natural moonlight let it by openings in the palace.

Of all the light in the film, the spotlight over the carbonite was the one I'd hoped SSC would include if nothing else. The shadow and light play because of it really defines the image of him in the carbonite from ROTJ and all the promo images, the others would be great bonuses, but the spotlight was top of my list, with the slab control lights second and other wall lights 3rd.
I'd have to agree there as well. The price on this is a little steap.

I think what they really could've done was split it up. Make the Carbonite block a seaparate piece and then make the palace wall to go with it. I think a lot of folks would've bought Han in Carbonite by itself rather than shell out for the whole thing.

I think the carbonite would still have been $100 alone, would many more people buy just that at that price than are buying it with the wall, I'm not so sure. I think the wall inclusion was to add appeal for those building the Jabba display and to serve in helping to support the weight of the slab. While $100 would be more affordable than $200, I think what you get for your money would still bother folks if it were just the slab, just like Jabba as hollow vinyl for his price.
Just a note items that included as much polystone as this back during the SSW statues ran between $125-300 bucks.
You missed the point. For this price, they should have had lights.

Wow. Yeah, you're right. I did miss that point. But I still disagree with this point as well. I mean, for all intents and purposes, it's a diorama. Yet it's cheaper than most of the dios, and at a larger scale, with the ability to accessorize using a number of relevant 1/6 figures. :rock
I judge the price of it to what I see, and I'm very happy with how the piece looks and feek fine spending what it costs, and considering it borders on the same sculpt work as an SSC dio and costs about $100 less, I see it as more a bargain. Based on dimensions, this is probably almost as much poly and work as the DOTF or ROTS duel dios and those were $300 retail. I'm bummed about no lights, but I don't feel the price reflects a lights price.
Honestly if I could have just bought the block for $100 I would have been happy. The wall is interesting... but not necessary to me. But, since I don't have a choice I'll be getting the whole shebang.
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