HBO's Game of Thrones

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yep my favorite of any lol he was always my favorite character though starting from season 1 but tonight was so epic i was like holy ****!
Agreed. This has instantly become my most favorite episode, as well. Johnny definitely climbed up a few levels after tonight.
Man, tonight's episode was all kinds of good. Could've been due to the fact I was doing a little drinking, but it seemed like there were really a bunch of hard-hitting, emotional moments. Best yet of the season.
They're all movie quality.

You **** on something and find a negative response from people who like what you slight to be neurotic? Are you sure it's not neurotic to drag useless comparisons into a thread to praise a show that really doesn't need the knocking down of other shows for its value to be illustrated? Or to expect people to just listen to post after post echoing your derogatory claims, without saying something contrary to your opinion? And where do you get off calling a disagreement with your estimate of Game of Thrones 'subjective', but your verdict on Walking Dead is 'calling it like it is'?

I'm a much bigger fan of this than I am the other, but the last thing I'd do is assume that my tastes were somehow the gold standard of what the rest of the world should prefer.

You must spread some reputation around before giving any more to devilof76. :rock

Best episode in a long time.
Man, tonight's episode was all kinds of good. Could've been due to the fact I was doing a little drinking, but it seemed like there were really a bunch of hard-hitting, emotional moments. Best yet of the season.

I watched it stone cold sober and it was good....really good.....
I watched it stone cold sober and it was good....really good.....

Absolutely. Definitely deserves another watch. The part where Jon goes back to get the 'glass....CROWS! Stuff like that, the whole 47 Ronin, 300 Spartans-type certain doom and we are going anyway stuff, really gets me pumped up.

And that ending, sailing away having the stare down with the Bad Guy. Loved it.
Damn good episode tonight! I was thinking would have been a sleeper but they must have known were hungry for some blood. So happy tonights ep delivered more then blood ,but good story moving forward. Nice to see Queen getting along with her new gift. I still need more DRAGONS tho please.......
I kept thinking the giant was going to turn and become a real problem. Glad he made it out along with Tormund. Shame that chick got killed. Thought she was going to be Ygritte part 2.

Damn good episode tonight! I was thinking would have been a sleeper but they must have known were hungry for some blood. So happy tonights ep delivered more then blood ,but good story moving forward. Nice to see Queen getting along with her new gift. I still need more DRAGONS tho please.......

And the other queen getting along with her new spoon.
I cant wait until they give us a 1/6 scale Giant and some white walkers will be bad ass ,sell fast. I so hope Ramsey gets a slow death but not counting on it, rats usually find a way to get away and live until the end.
A true masterpiece! Loved every moment of this episode, Game Of Thrones has everything!

I cant wait until they give us a 1/6 scale giant TROLL's and white walkers will be bad ass ,sell fast. I so hope Ramsey gets a slow death but not counting on it, rats usually find a way to live until the end.

I came here to say the same and quote your comment for truth and great justice.
Will be interesting to see how he fares against Stannis' troops. He does seem to like a good fight and held up well against Theon's sister and her men, could be surprising. Very curious what Stannis will decide in regards to Shireen, too.
Ha ha like minds Ce Ilhuicamina and know they are gonna get us to Hate Ramsey even more i bet. Hopefully action n blood continue's into next sunday. I just lost on Arya on how she will play out other then slowly training into a bad ass.
Absolutely. Definitely deserves another watch. The part where Jon goes back to get the 'glass....CROWS! Stuff like that, the whole 47 Ronin, 300 Spartans-type certain doom and we are going anyway stuff, really gets me pumped up.

And that ending, sailing away having the stare down with the Bad Guy. Loved it.

i clapped when jon went back and when he used his sword against the white walker. such an amazing episode
So the show has confirmed Dragonsteel and Valyrian Steel are one in the same. I like the surprise on the WhiteWalkers face...
Well if the show is going to trump the books with encounters like that last one then more power to them, that was more satisfying then what was in the books.

Makes you wonder what really happened to the Valyrian empire...
Maybe some Valyrians will make a guest appearance or are they the Whitewalkers now?

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Oh I love the gifs....but oh how those white walker kids were so badass....All the way they stormed over the barriers was so badarse...reminds of what world war Z tried to do!