HBO's Game of Thrones

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(TV Version) Jon Snow's biggest problem is he's naive and doesn't know it. Left as is his lack of wisdom will get other people killed at some point. Clearly Ygritte is going to become a catalyst for him to grow up.

He's naive in the same way his father was. That's the whole problem with the Starks is that they're too noble for this world and for their own good. Of course he's not going to kill an unarmed woman, despite whatever common sense might tell him.
The reveal of the dead children at the end of this episode made me scream out at my television, mostly because of how upsetting Maester Luwin's cry was, and partially because of Theon's foolishness. Luwin is a favorite of mine. I hope he lasts a lot longer (but please don't tell me either way, or even hint.) If Theon or any of Theon's thugs harm him, I'll never forgive them. I really hate the new thug, Cleftjaw. Fun fact, that actor plays an equally as despicable character (moreso in the books) in the Harry Potter series, Amycus Carrow.

Anyway, after I thought for a second, I realized the bodies were not likely the Stark boys, but rather the two boys they encountered at the mill. At least I hope so.
There have been more than a few lines of dialogue being over-repeated in the show as well, but "You know nothing Jon Snow" hasn't been one of them (yet)

Oddly enough, most of the over repeated phases that stick out for me all happen within Dani's scenes.

"My moon and stars"
"Stallion that will mount the world"
"Greatest city that ever was or will be"
"Mother of dragons"
etc etc etc....
The thing nobody ever said or repeated (and should have):

"Holy crap! Did you see Drogo dump gold on his friggin' head!?! That was nuts!"
Re-watched the episode again last night...the pan out shot where they start with the hangings to reveal the enormity of the ruin of Harrenhal was fantastic.

And they didn't cast a new actor for the Mountain Gregor Clegane did they? To me, he looked much different in the last episode than when he was in the Hand's Tournament during the first season.
When he lost to Ser Loras in the joust, he took off his helmet before decapitating his horse and fighting Ser Loras and then the Hound.

EDIT: Just checked online, yes he was re-cast. Too bad, the Mountain in the first season looked more menacing.


"A related, but unconfirmed, casting update: we have received multiple reports that the role of Ser Gregor Clegane is not being played by Conan Stevens, who played the Mountain in season one, but rather Ian Whyte. Whyte is a 7 ft tall actor and stuntman who has worked on films such as Clash of the Titans and Alien vs. Predator. Interestingly, he appeared in season one of Thrones as a White Walker. Of course, he was literally unrecognizable under all that makeup, so bringing him back in another role would not be a problem."
Yeah, I was sad to hear of that recasting. The original actor was much more rugged and scary, but Ian Whyte is an intimidating figure in and of himself. I'll see what he can do before I make a judgment one way or the other.
Original Gregor Clegane (Conan Stevens)

Recast Gregor Clegane (Ian Whyte)
Conan Stevens was better, I knew he was replaced before the season started and it kind of bothered me and still does, but not much you can do about it.

I think out of all the characters Danny's story is sooo much different then the book, but her book story was kind of boring so I don't mind it as much.
I think it's interesting how Dany's story has changed.

In the books, she comes across as a naive, idealistic girl who wants to care and please her people e.g protect them from slavery. She doesn't really know how to rule but she wants to do the best she can.
I'll admit that I almost wanted to see her succeed at getting the Iron Throne back. Given that you only read things from her point of view, it's not hard to sympathize with her.

But what the TV series does, is show how she acts from an outside point of view. Whilst I supported her claim for the Iron Throne in the books, I don't in the TV series. Her exchange with the Spice King made me realize that her claim to the Iron Throne isn't as solid as Dany likes to think. In reality, she has practically no backing in Westeros for her claim.

She is also a lot more bitter/hellbent on getting her way in the TV series. It shows in little things she does or says in the show
e.g when Jorah tries to comfort her after she lost her dragons, she says something along the lines of 'Who are my people? The Targaryens (= my brother) would've let 1000 men have sex with me if it got him a crown. The Dothraki ditched me after Drogo died'. So obviously, her love for the people isn't very high.
TV ver. Dani's biggest problem is she hasn't been given a strong reason of her own to want the Iron Throne. It was her brother's obsession and he's dead. She could have turned around and gone back to Pentos and likely enjoyed the hospitality of Mopatis again.

Drogos gave her perhaps a greater motivation to cross the Narrow Sea, but only that he wanted their unborn son to rule.

To compensate for this they have given Dani her brother's sense of entitlement this season, something I don't believe she had last year. Now she simply wants to be Queen because it's her birthright. I do like that she's become the Begger Queen as a mirror image of Viserys.