HBO's Game of Thrones

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Well you're letting people unfamiliar with the book know that a certain character will act a certain way. When he/she first shows up, folks are gonna have expectations about him/her based on that which can interfere with the dramatic intentions of the storytellers, even if you don't go into details. So I agree that a spoiler is appropriate.

Yup. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Fortunately, these characters all have such wacky indistinguishable (to me) names that even though I read that post earlier, I'm sure that I won't remember it belonged this specific person whenever he or she shows up :hi5:
I think it had something to do with this guy:

Nice episode. Tyrion shined as usual!! I began book 3 this week and Jamie's "escape" tonight happens in the beginning of book 3. John, Ayra and Danny's stories continue to be different. I am enjoying the show but am a bit annoyed that they are adding scenes from book 3 when they are cutting/changing so many things from book 2. Oh well. I just hope 2 things happen...

1) That HBO has cut corners all season so that the attack on Kings Landing is AWESOME!!!!!!!

2) That the series does not get cancelled!
The series won't be cancelled. I'm sure we'll get to at least season 5

Book 3 is going to be season 3 and 4, and season 3 is already been ordered. And since book 3 is the best of the series you can be sure we'll get a season 5, the question will be how people feel about it then. Book 4 is the weakest of the series, but it's impossible to know how they'll handle it. Book 4 has half the characters and goes on at the same time as most of Book 5, I don't think they can do the TV show the same way, so it'll be interesting to see what they do with those two books.
Yes. I have heard that seasons 3 and 4 will be book 3. I also heard somewhere that the writers will likely incorporate all characters from book 4 and 5 and continue the show like we are use to. It would be weird to simply ask half the cast to sit out a season. I have not heard many great things about books 4 and 5. Wondering if they can fit both books into one season or if they will spread the events over two seasons? If the show is still popular, HBO can't speed through the story too fast. They need GRRM to finish up the last two books.
Giant Chicken said:
HBO can't speed through the story too fast. They need GRRM to finish up the last two books.

Perhaps the TV series ending will be written before the book series ending. The upshot would be the story would be structured to serve the show's narrative. There wouldn't be the challenge of how to re-shuffle the next several books to span two seasons without dis-including lead characters for long spans.
If it takes him six years to write a book, then I don't see how there is any way they can't run out of material for the show at some point. Let's say he gets book six out in 2017 and book seven in 2023, and they begin to do two seasons per book. That takes the show to about 2020, assuming they don't get cancelled and viewers maintain interest through four years of books four and five combined. I plan on enjoying the show for two more seasons or so, but it will not last until the end of the seventh book. I'll have to do some reading in about ten years or so to find out how it all ends.

I understand that the author has explained to ending to the show runners. Funny if he dies before finishing the last book, but the show is cancelled, and these guys have the conclusion in their heads with no way to tell the end of the story.
TV writers will come up with an ending. It may not be what was intended for the books, but HBO isn't going to shrug it's shoulders and go "darn, gotta quit".

A poor ending to a TV series impacts video sales. HBO wants Game of Thrones to sell on video for years to come. There will be an ending, hopefully epic, no matter what GRRM does.

Considering GRRM is on the writing staff I assume the shows ending will be a close approximation of the outline for the last two books.
I understand that the author has explained to ending to the show runners. Funny if he dies before finishing the last book, but the show is cancelled, and these guys have the conclusion in their heads with no way to tell the end of the story.

I may get flamed for this, but dying was the best thing Robert Jordan did for his Wheel of Time series. Bringing in a new writer with complete access to Jordan's note cut so much unneeded fat from that series and has made the last few books far more enjoyable than they probably would have been had Jordan survived to finish them himself.
I'm sure GRRM had an ending planned when he started the series, I think part of the appeal is waiting to see where all of it leads up to.

There's always been 'unneeded' stuff though, which they've been cutting on the show.
I know I'm probably in the minority on this view point but as talented as Martin is as a writer I honestly don't think he's a very good story teller. I've read the first three novels now and I honestly don't think he knows where he's going with this story because I don't think he knows how to tell one. He writes exactly like a soap writer and I feel as though he's lost. I also still hold firmly to my belief that he doesn't know how to illicit real emotion so he relies on cheap tricks to try and pull emotion out of you as opposed to letting it come naturally. I wouldn't mind at all if they advanced the series with new writers and let Martin stay on to provide the general "gist" of things.
This is a bit down the road, but since we are discussing the eventual end of the show:

I think the Harry Potter films (I haven't read the books) were a huge buildup and then a very conventional and underwhelming ending. Perhaps the most disappointing thing was the characters at the end just send their kids to school and that's it. Eight movies over twelve years getting to know these characters and it just ends. Does Hermione undo the mindwipe she did to her parents? What about some of the supporting characters that where favorites? After all the fireworks are over we get a flash forward and credits. Disappointing.

Lord of the Rings takes it's time to say goodbye to the characters. I think it makes a big difference.

Battlestar Galactica's ending is criticized, but it does take a full 40 minutes after they reach "Earth" to wind down and send each character on their way. I disagree with some things in the ending, but at least the actors each get their moment.

I hope Game of Thrones takes some time at the end to give each of it's main characters some resolution.
Kat Stark is an idiot for releasing Jaimie.
Least she could've done was cut off his sword hand and ____.
Kat Stark is an idiot for releasing Jaimie.

No, the writers are idiots for not making us understand why. If they just did it arbitrarily then double-dumbass on them.

Kat says nothing that justifies why she did it. It makes no sense. She's been a smartly written character and this is beneath her.
Well, in the book she did it after she heard of Bran and Rickon's death. Also at that point they were at Riverrun and she was waiting for her father to die so she did it to try and keep alive what little family she had left. I don't know why they're making a point to have no one else hear about Bran and Rickon.