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I didn't read the spoilers, but it's simply a statement of fact that obsidian glass makes for some of the the sharpest cutting edges possible. Obsidian fractures can be as narrow as one molecule. The Mayans used to make spears and battle clubs with it. Biggest drawback is it's brittle (like any glass).

It's also extremely dark and can be used in welding masks. I'm just guessing, but I imagine that might one day be useful against a dragon.

EDIT: If I had a piece of obsidian I'd be outside watching the solar eclipse.

That wasn't directed at you, just a general statement. I thought I saw some spoilers coming out and wanted to remind people that some of us don't know the story beyond what airs each Sunday night.

This episode wasn't as good as the previous ones, perhaps the weakest in the season thus far.
Characters making stupid decisions usually translates to writers resorting to contrivance to get from point "A" to "C" in a story. We don't have a good "B" but "C" is too cool to ignore, so we'll throw in a b-llsh-t "B" and most people won't notice. Perhaps the writer doesn't want to deviate too far from his or her story outline for fear of creating a problem later.
Not sure if it's just me, but the show is starting to drag and lose my interest as it progresses. There's not enough tension to keep me interested. Joffrey's just waiting to have it out with the next Baratheon . . .Jon's having fun up North . . .These feel like fillers to me at the moment. Only Tyrion is worth watching . . .
Not sure if it's just me, but the show is starting to drag and lose my interest as it progresses. There's not enough tension to keep me interested. Joffrey's just waiting to have it out with the next Baratheon . . .Jon's having fun up North . . .These feel like fillers to me at the moment. Only Tyrion is worth watching . . .

I'll admit this season has felt a lot more like filler to me than last season. The only thing that's felt like real plot development is Theon's storyline.
I've enjoyed this season well enough, but so far I do think season 1 was better, which is a bit of a surprise since folks who read the books were claiming that it would be much better and more epic than season 1.
Not sure if it's just me, but the show is starting to drag and lose my interest as it progresses. There's not enough BOOBS to keep me interested. Boobs just waiting to have Boobs with the next Boob. . .Jon's having Boobs up North . . .These Boobs feel like Boobs to me at the moment. Only Boobs are worth watching . . .

Spoiler tags when referring to books stuff fellas, please.

and thank you for quoting the spoiler which I missed reading the first time. :gah:

I've enjoyed this season well enough, but so far I do think season 1 was better, which is a bit of a surprise since folks who read the books were claiming that it would be much better and more epic than season 1.

It because there are less boobs? :dunno
Well, I thought I was only keeping the part in that didn't seem to have a bearing on the show, since it was left ambiguous in the show and therefore seemed different from the book, but. . .maybe they'll bring that up later on even though they didn't go into detail originally. :slap My bad :lol

And yes, it is probably because of less boobies.
This episode was not bad. It had some very good scenes. I *love* Asha and Theon. Very powerful scene. I seriously love how smart Asha is e.g pointing out what a dumbass move 'killing' the Stark boys was 'cause now, every man in the North will want his head. You can tell that she knows WTF she is doing.

The Cersei and Tyrion scenes were great too. Heck, I love any scene with Tyrion in it. He is one of the main reasons I watch this show. I giggled a bit when Cersei brought in Roz and thought she was Tyrion's special lady. Loved the threat that Tyrion threw back at her. Watch you back, Cersei, he is better at this game than you.

BTW Am I the only disappointed that we didn't get to see Arya say 'goodbye' to Jaqen? I liked that scene in the book so I was kinda hoping that they'd include it. Maybe in next week's episode?
Book 2 is definitely WAY better than book 1 however I definitely agree that Season 1 is overall better so far. Although the next episode could easily change that.
The show is going fine...There just setting up the big battle in this weeks episode. I hope Stannis gets to kill Joffery...Can't stand that little prick and his mother.
This episode was not bad. It had some very good scenes. I *love* Asha and Theon. Very powerful scene. I seriously love how smart Asha is e.g pointing out what a dumbass move 'killing' the Stark boys was 'cause now, every man in the North will want his head. You can tell that she knows WTF she is doing.
Funny, I read that more as "Theon is really stupid" than "Asha is really smart" :D

I still think Theon is one of the top 2 or 3 characters in the show. You just don't get characters like him in TV shows very often.
Before posting, people should ask themselves two things:

1) Does what I want to post have anything to do with future episodes? (speculation based on the books or spoiler reports)

2) Does what I want to post have to do with the books?

If the answer to either of those is "yes" it doesn't belong in this thread.