HBO's Game of Thrones

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I cant wait for season 3... I mean season 2 is been much better than the first IMO, but dang season 3 will be awesome... Dragons... beyond the wall armies... and who knows what else.
Also looking forward to the next season of "The River" and "Walking Dead". I do agree that they spent a lot of time in the farm fixing personal issues rather than more of a "survival" scary stuff type of adventure. All of these 3 series got a lot of potential for expansion. Just like Rome had.. too bad was too expensive.

The River got canceled
There was no sarcasm. That was a earnest question. I don't deal in internet sarcasm or snarkiness.

For those of you that issues with the pacing, have you read the book? I have yet to read the second book, but I like that deliberate pacing allows the writers to flesh out the characters and fill in the back stories that I underwise wouldn't have known (until I pick up the book after this season is over).

I find it interesting that Stannis Baratheon's high born knights mockingly called Ser Davos the Onion Knight, and he took it as his sigil. Ties in with Tyrion's advice to John Snow last season when he told John to always know what you are, and use it as armor.

I like knowing where Talisa came from, and that a slave saved her brother with the "magic" of CPR.

I like hearing the tidbit that Jaime suffered from dyslexia as a child, and Tywin, through repetition and study, "cured" him of it.

I liked hearing Jaime's recollection of Ser Barristan Selmy's prowess of the sword. Jaime has always been haughty and looked down at everyone; it seems that Ser Barristan is the only one he admires.

Just a few instances, but these little tidbits do a lot in terms of fleshing out the characters. And with multiple storylines / point of views to address, I'm fine with the series taking it's time.
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There was no sarcasm. That was a earnest question. I don't deal in internet sarcasm or snarkiness.

For those of you that issues with the pacing, have you read the book? I have yet to read the second book, but I like that deliberate pacing allows the writers to flesh out the characters and fill in the back stories that I underwise wouldn't have known (until I pick up the book after this season is over).

I find it interesting that Stannis Baratheon's high born knights mockingly called Ser Davos the Onion Knight, and he took it as his sigil. Ties in with Tyrion's advice to John Snow last season when he told John to always know what you are, and use it as armor.

I like knowing where Talisa came from, and that a slave saved her brother with the "magic" of CPR.

I like hearing the tidbit that Jaime suffered from dyslexia as a child, and Tywin, through repetition and study, "cured" him of it.

I liked hearing Jaime's recollection of Ser Barristan Selmy's prowess of the sword. Jaime has always been haughty and looked down at everyone; it seems that Ser Barristan is the only one he admires.

Just a few instances, but these little tidbits do a lot in terms of fleshing out the characters. And with multiple storylines / point of views to address, I'm fine with the series taking it's time.

Sorry if I took it the wrong way. I apologize. To be clear on my point, I don't hate this season, I'm enjoying it. But the first season always left me wanting more. I just don't get that feeling as much in this season. It's almost like they have episode fillers or something. I can't remember one episode that dragged or seemed as a filler in season 1. As someone pointed out earlier in the thread, nothing's really going on with Dany, seems like Rob's been idle where he's posted all season long, there hasn't been much of Joffrey, etc. It just seems as if not much is happening. Obviously this is just my opinion. Like I said, I'm still enjoying it somewhat, just not as good as the first season IMO.

EDIT: No I haven't read the books. My son is reading them right now and is on book 2.
I understand how people are feeling about season 2. Season 1 had some good cliff hangers... Bran being pushed, Bran waking up when Lady was killed, Ned getting captured, Ned getting killed, Dragons being born. The only really stand out ending for season 2 for me was when the smoke monster was born.

In book 2 Dany and Rob don't do a whole lot. The show writers have changed a lot with Dany, Rob, Arya and Jon to make things more interesting. Overall, I liked book 2 better than 1 but admit that it is not translating on screen as well as the first book. I think it could easily be fixed if the show had a 13 episode line up rather than 10. As we all know, this show is not cheap to make. I like the idea of splitting the next book (which I am currently reading).
I think Robb IS moving about, from camp to camp, as we've seen this series with attacks on Lannister camps.
In the book they go to Riverrun, house of the Tullys, Catelyns family.

But it looks like they're delaying Riverrun until next series, as Cat's brother Edmure has been confirmed for series 3
The River got canceled? omg that sucks. this had so much potential, I mean they had zombies, possession, ghosts, and all kinds of everything scary. It was like all packed in to one. They could have made it a "zoombie" scape lol.. boat gets damage, now they got to scape the zoombies lmao.
Well I hope they dont cancel season 3 Game of Thrones. I think that would be the best season.
"Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let's go kill them!"

Tonight's episode was full on badass hack and slash violence with a pig ____load of WILDFIRE and everything that happened made me smile from ear to ear. Neil Marshall, thank you!!!
And Tyrion...DAMN!!!
my man Sandor had some great scenes.

did anyone think the Knight of the Flowers would save king's landing? Good revenge on stannis.
That was really well done. Nice balance between the action and the character moments. They are really stretching the boundaries of what can be accomplished in an ongoing TV series.