HBO's Game of Thrones

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Fantastic episode. So much awesomeness, I'll have to watch it again.

Bron vs. the Hound...would have loved to see that.

Anyone else get a slight "Helm's Deep" vibe during the battle. :lol

Got to give Stannis credit for one thing...he may not be a warm and fuzzy leader, but he does lead by example. First on the boat, first on the beach, first on the wall.

You kind of knew Stannis asked for it when he had Renly killed, but it was still surprising to see the Tyrells and the Lannisters enetr the field of battle together. And did Ser Loras adopt the stag antlers on his helmet in rememberance of Renly?
Loved last nights episode. Can't wait for the season finale next week..

Regarding Sansa (spoilers)

Does she escape with Melty face? I was under the impression that she was going to be in the castle until Joffreys death.
Very good episode. I loved Tyrion's scenes. He was the star of the episode. The part with the wildfire was awesome.

My only complaint is that the fighting happened in the dark. I could barely see what was happening, which was disappointing. I know they did it due to the budget but it still sucks.

The conversations between Cersei and Sansa were pretty very well done. Cersei really wasn't sugarcoating what was gonna happen at all. Still, I could kinda understand why Cersei acted the way she did. Not so much with regards to Sansa but very much with regards to Tommen. Say what you want about her but that woman really loves her kids.
Not having read the books I'll nitpick on Wildfire: I love the idea and it has it's roots in an ancient "lost" weapon called Greek Fire. Greek Fire is believed to have been a petrol based formula. It floated on water (like oil) where it continued to burn, so it was useful in naval battles.

I'd like to believe "wildfire" works the same, but it's green flame suggests the presence of copper. Copper is heavier than water and would sink, making the flames extinguish quickly.

I understand the desire to make the effect look cool, but I wish they had stayed away from the green color.

A minor nitpick in a fantastic episode.
Really cool episode. The wildfire was awesome and the scene with the ships was just nuts. Next week should be pretty fun.
Not having read the books I'll nitpick on Wildfire: I love the idea and it has it's roots in an ancient "lost" weapon called Greek Fire. Greek Fire is believed to have been a petrol based formula. It floated on water (like oil) where it continued to burn, so it was useful in naval battles.

I'd like to believe "wildfire" works the same, but it's green flame suggests the presence of copper. Copper is heavier than water and would sink, making the flames extinguish quickly.

I understand the desire to make the effect look cool, but I wish they had stayed away from the green color.

A minor nitpick in a fantastic episode.

I don't actually remember if it was green in the book, I always thought it was a sort of natural chemical composition like Greek Fire as well. But if it's magic based then it could explain the green fire.
I didn't even question the flame color, it just looked awesome and they already established magic, monsters, dragons, and shadow people. All in all it was one of the better medieval battles I've ever seen, I never cared for LOTR.

I've never read the books but I'm assuming both Tyrion and Davos survived.
So sad seeing Stannis being dragged away in the end, he was just too ____ing cool! :rock ..I hope tyrion is ok, it wouldn't be the same without him in it.
A great episode for Tyrion, but The Hound was also really great as well. They don't make it clear if Sansa leaves King's Landing with him. If she has two brain cells to rub together she'll take this chance to leave.
A great episode for Tyrion, but The Hound was also really great as well. They don't make it clear if Sansa leaves King's Landing with him. If she has two brain cells to rub together she'll take this chance to leave.

I'm pretty sure she sticks around :(
I haven't read the books but am loving the show so far. I do fear though that a lot of what is going on will not be resolved that well in one more episode. I love Robb Stark this season, always like Jon Snow, love Tyrion, the dynamic between Tywin and Arya was fantastic, all of it was very interesting to me but felt as if we were in the middle of it all with two episodes left and with Blackwater focusing all on King's Landing (which I loved, don't get me wrong) it feels like even for a cliffhanger type of show which HBO does, there are too many loose ends right now.

Wasn't Tywin going after Robb? I thought that is what I heard a couple episodes ago but last night his grand entrance made me wonder (unless I heard wrong) what happened there?

Just like Tyrion really stole it for me last season with his appearance, I'm loving Bronn and every time he is on screen. Easily one of my favorites now.
Last episode Tywin made the decision to leave Harrenhall and ride to King's Landing with the entirety of his forces save a small garrison commanded by Gregor Clegane, thus provide Arya the opportunity to escape.

Yes, and Bronn is a badass. Like I posted before, it would have been pretty cool to see Bronn and the Hound go at it.

Also cool was seeing the Hound, a man that doesn't blink at disemboweling another man or slicing a man in half, look in horror at men burning...although, we can't blame him.

And yes, the creators always give Tywin a grand entrance, from when he first rode into Harrenhal, to when he strode into the Red Keep in the last episode, and to next week's episode where the previews show him riding into the throne room as Joffrey proclaimed him the savior of King's landing.