HBO's Game of Thrones

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Nice finale. I liked Danerys segments the best. Nice to see Drogo again.

Joffrey getting hitched with the chick that talks out of the side of her face.

I guess Sansa should've left with the Hound.
Fairly "meh" episode until deanerys goes after the dragons, but once that happens things pick up. Those white walkers are fraking cool as all get out.
I loved the season. Kind of bummed that they took so many book 2 parts out and replaced them with book 3. I also felt that they did a bad job of showing why Winterfell burned down. RIP Master Luwin :(
I really loved that episode. They got all the action in last week and this was a great character focused wrap up to the season. I think that pretty much every single character on the show appeared and had a good scene this week. It's amazing how they can juggle such a huge cast and such a complex plot. It's going to be a long wait for the third season to get here.
Kinda bummed they didn't show the actual visions of the house of Undying or at least hint at them, that would have been a season topper. Good changes nonetheless. White Walker at the end was pretty cool.
Great show and looking forward to the rest of the books. I too find it hard that HBO will continue the series to completely go along with all the books, especially since they all haven't been written yet. I know the producers of the show want to cut the next 2 books into 2 seasons for each book. BUT they also have been told by George RR Martin an overall idea of what is going to happen. So if the show gets cut short they really will have to consolidate things. Looking forward to season 3. Red Wedding anyone?
Great show and looking forward to the rest of the books. I too find it hard that HBO will continue the series to completely go along with all the books, especially since they all haven't been written yet. I know the producers of the show want to cut the next 2 books into 2 seasons for each book. BUT they also have been told by George RR Martin an overall idea of what is going to happen. So if the show gets cut short they really will have to consolidate things. Looking forward to season 3. Red Wedding anyone?

Gonna be worse than Baelor lol.
All in all, an excellent season finale, especially with the number of characters that need to be dealt with.

Some great emotional moments with Theon talking to Maester Luwin and the scene with Shae and Tyrion. Showed the range of the all the actors involved. The speech by Theon was FANTASTIC.

"WHAT IS DEAD MAY NEVER DIE!!!" has to be one of the best phrases uttered in television history.

I can't believe Tywin Lannister bowed his head to his grandson and said "Your Grace" after being named (re-named?) the Hand of the King. I would have backhanded that little twit.

The look on Jaime Lannister's face as Breeane took care of the three men was priceless.

I liked the finale, but I was really disappointed by the Temple of the Undying. It served a purpose in the book (she hears some foretellings about her) and they didn't actually do anything in the show.

Haven't read the second book yet, but I got the sense that she was seeing some of her possible future, with her entering the throne room of the Red Keep with it's burned out ceiling and the snow falling inside...

I like how these trials and tribulations are making Danerys stronger and causing her to learn about herself and her own strength. PERFECT comeuppance for those that betrayed her as well.

Kinda bummed they didn't show the actual visions of the house of Undying or at least hint at them, that would have been a season topper. Good changes nonetheless. White Walker at the end was pretty cool.

So the vision of the Red Keep wasn't a hint?

I loved the season. Kind of bummed that they took so many book 2 parts out and replaced them with book 3. I also felt that they did a bad job of showing why Winterfell burned down. RIP Master Luwin :(

Yes, I thought there was a means to what the Iron Islanders did to Theon...but it makes no sense to me why the burned down Winterfell, especially if they were looking after their own safety and well-being. Guess I have to wait until next season.

I really loved that episode. They got all the action in last week and this was a great character focused wrap up to the season. I think that pretty much every single character on the show appeared and had a good scene this week. It's amazing how they can juggle such a huge cast and such a complex plot. It's going to be a long wait for the third season to get here.

:exactly: :clap

One thing I didn't like...

...but knew was going to happen especially since Quorin Halfhand hinted at it so heavily two episodes ago, even without reading the book (paraphrasing "One man inside next to Mance Rader can get to him, especially if you do what needs to done"), was Jon Snow having to kill Quorin. Seems especially effed up since he couldn't kill Ygrette, but could kill Quorin Half-hand
One thing I didn't like...

...but knew was going to happen especially since Quorin Halfhand hinted at it so heavily two episodes ago, even without reading the book (paraphrasing "One man inside next to Mance Rader can get to him, especially if you do what needs to done"), was Jon Snow having to kill Quorin. Seems especially effed up since he couldn't kill Ygrette, but could kill Quorin Half-hand

IMO he killed Quorin out of pure emotion from being attacked and what Quorin said about his father and mother.
I had a feeling that viewers who hadn't read the books would interpret that Jon
killed Halfhand out of anger, instead of out of duty
, and from what I have read on various forums it appears that has happened.

There are so many little things in season 2 that could have been modified slightly and had a bigger impact on the audience, but the biggest thing that should have changed was
Catlyn learning about the supposed death of Bran & Rickon. This was the sole reason she released Jaime into Brienne's custody to return him to King's Landing, in an attempt to get Sansa and Arya returned to her. Would it have really impacted production to film that scene???
IMO he killed Quorin out of pure emotion from being attacked and what Quorin said about his father and mother.

I think that was part of the reason, but it was more out of duty and to keep up the ruse.
There are so many little things in season 2 that could have been modified slightly and had a bigger impact on the audience, but the biggest thing that should have changed was
Catlyn learning about the supposed death of Bran & Rickon. This was the sole reason she released Jaime into Brienne's custody to return him to King's Landing, in an attempt to get Sansa and Arya returned to her. Would it have really impacted production to film that scene???

That would've made more sense.
As it was her actions by themselves seemed irrational and shortsighted. Which stands out even more so as the series is unusually well written and fleshed out. An infuriating gaffe by the writers and character.
A friend who has read the books was surprised by the omission of the chains that were commissioned by Tyron to be used in the Blackwater battle. Perhaps a small thing in the scheme but would've really highlighted just how really smart and brilliant a tactician Tyron is.
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That would've made more sense.
As it was her actions by themselves seemed irrational and shortsighted. Which stands out even more so as the series is unusually well written and fleshed out. An infuriating gaffe by the writers and character.
A friend who has read the books was surprised by the omition of the chains that were commissioned by Tyron to be used in the Blackwater battle. Perhaps a small thing in the scheme but would've really highlighted just how really smart Tyron is.

Yes, that was a big change, and disappointing it wasn't used. It was a large part of book 2, because
Tyrion orders blacksmiths and armorers to only work on forging links for the chain, it was a large piece of his story. It also really showed his cunning and ingenuity at battle tactics, where as the tv series made it look more like he happened onto the wildfire stockpile (that Cersei instructed to be made) and 'got lucky' with the single barge in the bay destroying most of the fleet. The chain prevented Stannis' fleet from escaping, and was instrumental in his defeat.
I had a feeling that viewers who hadn't read the books would interpret that Jon
killed Halfhand out of anger, instead of out of duty
, and from what I have read on various forums it appears that has happened.

I haven't read the books, and it's surprising to me that people are confused about that. The intent of that fight seemed pretty clear. Between the last episode and this one, it was obvious what they were planning.
I haven't read the books, but it was pretty clear to me based on their last episode together that Jon's boss knew they were both doomed but believed that there was a chance that Jon could trick them into thinking that he wanted to defect. If you know two of you are going to die, then be willing to sacrifice yourself to get the other to survive and be positioned as a mole. Seems like that worked.
There are so many little things in season 2 that could have been modified slightly and had a bigger impact on the audience, but the biggest thing that should have changed was
Catlyn learning about the supposed death of Bran & Rickon. This was the sole reason she released Jaime into Brienne's custody to return him to King's Landing, in an attempt to get Sansa and Arya returned to her. Would it have really impacted production to film that scene???

Without Ramsey doing his thing there wouldn't have been any reason for Theon to let him into Winterfell where he took down Theon. So they kept the news of Bran and Rickon dying so that Robb would offer the Ironborn freedom if they turned in Theon, with the hope that he wouldn't hurt Bran and Rickon.

I'm wondering why they made it obvious that Theon survived, since he doesn't come back until the 5th book.
After last week's almost hour long battle I expected a low key finale, but there were lots of great scenes. Tyrion and Shae, Danerys and Zorrowhatshisface, Arya and facechangeyguy, Theon's big speech and his men's response, and of course the White Walkers. Very satisfying.

And now, the long wait... :monkey2

Jorah Mormont. heh