HBO's Game of Thrones

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I really felt for Tyrion in the final episode. That whole thing really ticked me off. I really hate his family.

That last scene with him and his girlfriend (can't remember her name) was so touching....Tyrion is one of the best characters on that show, imo.

Theon - I don't like him. I was pleased when he got hit over the head after his speech. I can see Dave's point about how Ned did a real disservice to his sons and Theon - but I can't forgive him for what he did (or what he thinks he did - killing the young Stark boys).

Glad Dany got her dragon's back (though I doubt anyone ever thought she wouldn't get them back) and it was pretty cool how she was able to use her powers and the dragon's fire to kill that sorcerer/warlock/whatever he was guy. And I like how she locked up those who betrayed her. She's really coming into her own - she seems like one who would do anything to help her people - but damn if you betray her -there are no second chances.

This season went by way too fast...and it's going to feel like forever before the next season starts again. At least True Blood is starting back up next week.
I absolutely loved the design of the White Walkers. Very good episode but should have been a 2-hour finale at least. I also love how the characters are growing into their own, especially the children. I'm going to start reading the novels now and probably hold off on book 3.
Too bad HBO can't pump more money into every episode, but that's how budgets work. This series needs to be remastered at some point with more expansive scenes.

Speaking of budgets, they were going to scrap any fighting in the black water attack. Good they they didn't!
Speaking of budgets, they were going to scrap any fighting in the black water attack. Good they they didn't!

i dont know, i like they way it is now, if they are going to showcase massive battle scenes, special effects, its going to be another mind numbing speical effects movies coming out everyday like the narnias, potters, all of which make me sleep in 5 min flat
Yes, but the second part you mentioned was news to me. I thought it was a spoiler; if it was only a guess on your part, my mistake.

It's mentioned in the scenes with Robb and Roose Bolton that Ramsey Bolton will be sent to surround Winterfell. It's Robb who makes the offer of amnesty to the Iron Islanders with the exception of Theon.
It's mentioned in the scenes with Robb and Roose Bolton that Ramsey Bolton will be sent to surround Winterfell. It's Robb who makes the offer of amnesty to the Iron Islanders with the exception of Theon.

Yes, I distinctly remember Roose Bolton telling Robb Stark (I'm paraphrasing all of this, of course) that "My bastard is close to Winterfell" with Robb replying "Tell your son that any Iron Islander that surrenders will be given free passage home", THEN Roose Bolton saying "My lord, mercy is an admirable thing..." with Robb cutting him off saying "Any Iron Islander except Theon Greyjoy..."

So I remember the scene quite well. :lol

What I'm saying is that there was no further discussion saying that "Please have your son burn and raze Winterfell" which is what our esteemed Darklord alluded to.
Didn't the guy who knocked out Theon after his speech order the burning? Thought I remember him ordering it...
I believe the guy (who eerily looks like my boss) simply said "It was a good speech" and then said "Let's go home".

IMO he killed Quorin out of pure emotion from being attacked and what Quorin said about his father and mother.

I've never read the books (although I might start now in the off season) but seeing Jon I knew that two things were happening

1: It was part of the plan to earn trust amongst the freepeople to get Jon "in". That in order to "do what must be done" he had to kill him to fully gain trust.

2: That Quorin knew it had to look authentic and that Jon was kind of a hot head so he began throwing insults because he knew the right one would cause the reaction he needed and get the job done. For man of that caliber or at least what it made it seem, the final blow wasn't that guarded or even mostly attempted to be defended against.
Half of the names get me lost. Unfortunately there's too many side characters to not care abot, and when their names get mentioned in these threads, it just gives me a headache. Even if I look up a face to a name, I still get confused as to when I saw them. I'm unsure where the problem lies, and I'm pretty sure it's not my memory . . .
I believe the guy (who eerily looks like my boss) simply said "It was a good speech" and then said "Let's go home".

That guy, Dagmer Cleftjaw, is played by Ralph Ineson, who plays Amycus Carrow in the last three Harry Potter films. We didn't really get a good look at his character in the films, as he was downgraded to an extra. In the books, he had a much larger role.

Dagmer Cleftjaw

Amycus Carrow

He's most prominent in this scene, on the right. Shortly thereafter he is taken out during the McGonagall vs. Snape duel.
I seriously want to see them raise the budget for the show. Not necessarily for bigger effects, but for more episodes per season. I think 12 or 14 would be awesome. I haven't read the books, but there's gotta be plenty of stuff they've had to trim. :lecture

And make no mistake, they could afford to goose up the budget if they wanted to. Even though they don't pull in any advertiser money, the show makes serious bank for HBO. First off, the DVD and Blu-ray sales are extremely brisk. This in spite of the trend that people are buying fewer discs these days.

And, also, they sell the broadcast rights to foreign territories (as they do with all their shows) and I'm told that one is incredibly popular. Where something like Girls or Bored to Death might not translate overseas (and therefore won't be licensed in a lot of territories), GoT gets sold to all the major (and minor) territories.

I appreciate them keeping an eye on the bottom line, but I think the show has proven its popularity at this point. They deserve a little bump.
I'd rather see the show last many more seasons. HBO loves to cancel shows that get too expensive too fast. These epic period dramas with large ensemble casts have short lifespans on HBO. If they keep trying to escalate the budget, they will find themselves off the air like Rome, Deadwood and Carnivale.
great show and series, but this season seemed way to short, like nothing got accomplished or resolved. Probably cause of the fact that there is WAY to many story lines.

Wish we would've seen more of khaleesi and her dragons this season.:monkey2
I'd rather see the show last many more seasons. HBO loves to cancel shows that get too expensive too fast. These epic period dramas with large ensemble casts have short lifespans on HBO. If they keep trying to escalate the budget, they will find themselves off the air like Rome, Deadwood and Carnivale.

I wouldn't worry too much about the plug getting pulled on this one any time soon. In addition to the cash it's pulling in, the ratings for season one were great and the second season topped that. It's the third highest rated show in HBO history, actually, so unless it takes a sudden nose-dive, it won't suffer an ignominious and frustrating end like Rome or Deadwood did.

HBO seems to be very high on the show (*cough*IknowbecauseIactuallyworkthere*cough*) in a way they weren't for the other shows you mentioned. So I think that's a very good thing.

But let's keep our fingers crossed anyway, okay?!
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I wouldn't worry too much about the plug getting pulled on this one any time soon. In addition to the cash it's pulling in, the ratings for season one were great and the second season topped that. It's the third highest rated show in HBO history, actually, so unless it takes a sudden nose-dive, it won't suffer an ignominious and frustrating end like Rome or Deadwood did.

HBO seems to be very high on the show (*cough*IknowbecauseIactuallyworkthere*cough*) in a way they weren't for the other shows you mentioned. So I think that's a very good thing.

But let's keep our fingers crossed anyway, okay?!

god damn i hated how that show ended, but they say it was true to actual history :dunno
god damn i hated how that show ended, but they say it was true to actual history :dunno

So true. Over the years there had been periodic talk of maybe doing a movie at some point. Or at least a two-hour wrap-up episode. But, sadly, that talk has long since faded and all the folks on the creative team have moved on to other things.

Same with Rome.

From what I understand, the producers of Rome had a five year story arc plotted out. But they found out halfway through the second season they weren't getting picked up for season 3. So, in order to give the series some sense of closure, they rushed to cram what would have been the end of season five into the end of season two. That's why there's a huge time jump where Octavian comes back as a different, and much older, actor.

Great shows that deserved far better treatment and much bigger audiences.

Thankfully, GoT seems to have both of those things going for it right now. :clap