HBO's Game of Thrones

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Not legally while it's airing, or even before it gets a home video release.

Well I guess every show l have watched hasn't been legal:lol. Who really cares though. There are so many of those sites it's crazy.

Right now l am watching the walking dead every Monday (day after new episodes air) on movie 2K site.
I really got into this show.

Originally watched season 1 on the computer a couple years ago. Didn't really care for it, so that was that (never tuned in for the second season).

A little while ago l bought both seasons on blu ray just for the hell of it and really loved it. Guess a big tv, surround sound and blu ray sucks you in more then on the small fuzzy screen.

Not sure if l want to watch season 3 on the computer or just wait a year until it's released on blu ray.

just hook your puter up to your tv.....:lecture
One more day.

Went to Wegmans to get some stuff for Easter lunch I'm hosting tomorrow and saw this...


Hell yeah, I'm ready. Bring on episode one of season three. I think the season finale of The Walking Dead might have to wait...
One more day.

Went to Wegmans to get some stuff for Easter lunch I'm hosting tomorrow and saw this...


Hell yeah, I'm ready. Bring on episode one of season three. I think the season finale of The Walking Dead might have to wait...

It's a good beer. Got a couple from whole foods last weekend. They have another version coming out soon.
I finally found a Game of Thrones thread on this huge message board!
I kept checking the "Middle Earth" section figuring it might have been lumped in there. I didn't think to check the TV & Movie section. Duh!

Anyway, I love this show but merchandise is severally lacking. Does any company have the rights to produce figures from this series?
Quality show. It's like Lord of the Rings but with a soul. It's deftly written, brilliantly acted with characters you care for. It has superb production values, powerful music which draws you in emotionally and best of all **** and arse by the bucket full :D
I'm in love with the show. Standard.
All that being said, I wouldn't particularly care for figures of the characters but that's purely because of the volume of the cast. Maybe Sean Bean perched on the Iron Throne but that'd be my limit.
Loved this premiere. Everything from the giant to Tyrion's meeting with his father to the re-introduction of Ser Barriston was why I absolutely love this series.
They really do need to have an abridged version of the opening creds now. In the time wasted watching it every episode, Martin could have finished another book.
Loved this premiere. Everything from the giant to Tyrion's meeting with his father to the re-introduction of Ser Barriston was why I absolutely love this series.

Barriston strolls in LIKE A BOSS!


absolutely loved the big reaveal that whitebeard was him in the book. was hoping they didn't cut him out in the show
Quality show. It's like Lord of the Rings but with a soul. It's deftly written, brilliantly acted with characters you care for. It has superb production values, powerful music which draws you in emotionally and best of all **** and arse by the bucket full :D
I'm in love with the show. Standard.
All that being said, I wouldn't particularly care for figures of the characters but that's purely because of the volume of the cast. Maybe Sean Bean perched on the Iron Throne but that'd be my limit.

Stark on the Irone Throne is exactly what I had in mind too. A boxset similiar to McFarlane's Conan on Throne from many years back.
Solid opening show - watched Walking Dead finale and GoT last night, and GoT was the clear winner.

I loved every scene with Tyrion, especially the conversation with his father. Great dialog designed or us to hate Tywin all the more and love Tyrion even more. The scene with Cersei was great too - I loved how he kep her far from him as she moved around the room.

The giants were well done, and the CGI on the dragons is improving. The scenes at Astapor were great too - I can't wait to see how Dany deals with them.

Barriston's introduction was good too, and a great example of how sometimes things have to be done differently on screen than off. In the books, they got away with having him by Dany's side for awhile and no one knew who he was. It was a surprise to the reader when it was revealed he was Barriston - obviously, when you can see the actor that's not possible on the show. They handled it well though, and he'll be a great add.

I was confused at one point though - was that supposed to be Winterfell or Harranhall that John Snow found all the dead northerners? And who was the dude with the long white hair in that scene?
Do you mean Robb in that scene? Not Jon Snow.

That was taking place at Harrenhall, I don't know who the guy was. The stuff at Harrenhall is changed from the point that Arya gets there, so the stuff with Robb there I think was to get Roose Bolton there since he needs to be there.