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RE Theon....

I think it was a ploy by Balon Greyjoy to test Theon's loyalty. If I remember correctly, some of the men holding Theon said his father knew what was going on with Theon's imprisonment. The stablehand freed Theon, and in the portion of the tunnel where Theon states that his "real father died in King's Landing" and he "made a choice" and he made thewrong choice, that sealed Theon's fate again. Interesting taht when they are sneaking up to that crypt, Theon says "W don't have to hide, the men are loyal to Yara" and the stablehand (what was his name?) says "Not all the men are loyal to Yara" possibly referring to himself. Makes me think that Yara doesn't know what's going on (if Balon Greyjoy is involved, of course). Yara seems to have some real affection for Theon (and not because he felt her up, you dirty bastards).
I assumed that
he was just looking for some quick prestige to get him out of cleaning the stables. Faking a capture of Theon would fit that bill.

That's what we came up with. We weren't sure. I tend to fall asleep when they are on and have to rewatch them. :lol:slap
Can anyone explain to me Theon's plot twist?

By that I mean the guy rescues him. Seems to walk him around a bit. Then takes him right back. Am I missing something?

I'm assuming "the guy" is Ramsay Snow, aka The Bastard of Bolton. He's a known sadist in the books, and I think he's just having fun toying with Theon, posing as a rescuer and letting him think he's escaped before throwing him back into more torture and despair.

He's also the guy that actually burned Winterfell.
Dammit, wish I hadn't read that spoiler so I'd be surprised.

Is he that big of a sadist that he would kill his father's own bannermen? Wow.
Yeah, don't. :lol

Not a huge spoiler, and it refers to something previously mentioned within this thread, but if you're like me, you want to go into each episode not knowing what's going to happen.
Dammit, wish I hadn't read that spoiler so I'd be surprised.

Is he that big of a sadist that he would kill his father's own bannermen? Wow.

Well, that *is* why they call 'em spoilers :lol

And yes, he's enough of a sadist/murderer/rapist/sociopath for almost anything. There is a gap in the books between the last time we see Theon after Winterfell, and the time we pick him up much later (he basically goes MIA for all of books 3 and 4), as a vastly changed person. The series is filling in the blanks as to exactly what happened to him
True, but some spoilers are for stuff that happened in the last episode that other's may have not seen yet.

The spoilers in the last few posts were nothing that gave away things that may happen in future episodes.

Maybe we should label spoilers in categories: "BOOK RELATED SPOILERS" and "CAUTION: DO NOT READ UNLESS YOU HAVE SEEN THE LAST EPISODE". :dunno

Not a huge spoiler, since what you mentioned was previously discussed in this thread during the end of last season, I believe...but I still would like to be surprised. I think you're right.

I was wondering if the guy that cut off Jaime's hand was Roose Bolton's bastard until I found out that the character's name was Locke.
I wonder why they renamed the character Locke. In the book, his name is Vargo Hoat and his nickname is, "the Goat." I don't understand why such changes are necessary, especially since he otherwise fits the description of the character in the book. A nickname like "the Goat" is much more memorable than "Locke."
I wonder why they renamed the character Locke. In the book, his name is Vargo Hoat and his nickname is, "the Goat." I don't understand why such changes are necessary, especially since he otherwise fits the description of the character in the book. A nickname like "the Goat" is much more memorable than "Locke."

Wow I clearly missed this then. Maybe because I knew his name already so I ignored them calling him Locke?
I wonder why they renamed the character Locke. In the book, his name is Vargo Hoat and his nickname is, "the Goat." I don't understand why such changes are necessary, especially since he otherwise fits the description of the character in the book. A nickname like "the Goat" is much more memorable than "Locke."

It's not supposed to be the same character, since they changed everything that was happening at Harrenhal it meant there was no need for Vargo Hoat or the Bloody Mummers
It's not supposed to be the same character, since they changed everything that was happening at Harrenhal it meant there was no need for Vargo Hoat or the Bloody Mummers

EH, sure but they could have kept the name because in the show universe who cares. I still feel like they are the Bloody Mummers, they just cut out all of the stuff in the beginning and made them on Bolton's side right away.

According to this there are analogous:
The Bloody Mummers were a pretty colorful, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural group. Locke's men seem to be pretty much plain Westeros types. They probably ditched Hoat when the ditched the Mummers. I tend to think the way Hoat spoke would have been a problem. It could have come off as unintentionally silly on film.

Analogous, sure. The same character, nope.
EH, sure but they could have kept the name because in the show universe who cares. I still feel like they are the Bloody Mummers, they just cut out all of the stuff in the beginning and made them on Bolton's side right away.

According to this there are analogous:

I tend to agree. The show universe has changed everyone's character to some extent. In the grand scheme of things, this change makes no sense.