HBO's Game of Thrones

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Great episode. I wanna see Dragon's reigning death, hope these guys get huge eventually.
Hound is awesome

Arya is awesome. Hoping for her to get to Bravos and become an assassin like Jaqen H'ghar.
I think you could apply the title to several aspects of the series, but my theory is
Dany makes her way to Westeros, Jon is revealed not to be Ned's bastard, but is the son of Ned's sister and Robert Baratheon, making him an heir to the throne. Dany and Jon fall in love and wed, thus creating a new "house", and finally bring an end to the war. Just a theory.
I think you could apply the title to several aspects of the series, but my theory is
Dany makes her way to Westeros, Jon is revealed not to be Ned's bastard, but is the son of Ned's sister and Robert Baratheon, making him an heir to the throne. Dany and Jon fall in love and wed, thus creating a new "house", and finally bring an end to the war. Just a theory.

Good theory, but I'm betting...

Jon is the son of Ned's sister and the Targaryen prince, who's name eludes me this moment. The one that 'captured' here and Robert started a war to 'free' her. That would make Jon a Targaryen - interesting, eh?
Good theory, but I'm betting...

Jon is the son of Ned's sister and the Targaryen prince, who's name eludes me this moment. The one that 'captured' here and Robert started a war to 'free' her. That would make Jon a Targaryen - interesting, eh?

That could be a possibility too, and could have been the reason behind Ned's desire to hide Jon, if Robert knew Jon was half Targaryan, he would have killed him.

Although, I suspect that Lyanna (Ned's sister) was pregnant with Robert's child (unbeknownst to Robert) when she was taken and raped by Rhaegar Targaryan, and Ned's promise to Lyanna as she was dying in a "bed of blood" was to take Jon as his bastard to keep him out of the royal family and have a chance at a normal life in Winterfell.

Also, the emphasis of the Baratheon family traits (dark hair, etc) being passed down through each generation, when Ned discovers that Joffrey is not Robert's son, could also be used to back up that theory. GRRM has been very consistent with each house having very specific physical characteristics, and all of Jon's match either Stark or Baratheon.

However the whole thing plays out, I can't wait to see how it all ends.
Good theory, but I'm betting...

Jon is the son of Ned's sister and the Targaryen prince, who's name eludes me this moment. The one that 'captured' here and Robert started a war to 'free' her. That would make Jon a Targaryen - interesting, eh?

Correct, and you're thinking of Rhaegar Targaryen.

Jon being a Baratheon doesn't track for many reasons, but most obviously because Jon has brown hair, and MUCH is made of the fact that Robert Baratheon's offspring all have jet black hair (which is what initially led Jon Arryn to question the parentage of Robert's supposed children by Cersei)
Theon and Arya's storylines have not been boring at all. Especially Arya's. Jesus, did you not see what all her character went through last season? She actually probably had the most interesting arc of any character last season.

There are times where I want to kill Theon, but ultimately he's a good person whose been very misguided. I don't entirely blame him either considering what he has gone through, and meeting his father for the first time as an adult, etc. You can tell he realizes just what he's done though, and who his true father is (as he said).

The only boring character in this series is Sansa. I'm anxious to see what comes of her relationship with Margaery and Loras Tyrell though.

Anyway, DAMN! Great episode. Especially that ending. Played out pretty much exactly as I expected, but that didn't make it any less awesome.

It's really satisfying to finally see Danaerys leading an army with her three dragons flying above her. :yess:
That could be a possibility too, and could have been the reason behind Ned's desire to hide Jon, if Robert knew Jon was half Targaryan, he would have killed him.

Although, I suspect that Lyanna (Ned's sister) was pregnant with Robert's child (unbeknownst to Robert) when she was taken and raped by Rhaegar Targaryan, and Ned's promise to Lyanna as she was dying in a "bed of blood" was to take Jon as his bastard to keep him out of the royal family and have a chance at a normal life in Winterfell.

Also, the emphasis of the Baratheon family traits (dark hair, etc) being passed down through each generation, when Ned discovers that Joffrey is not Robert's son, could also be used to back up that theory. GRRM has been very consistent with each house having very specific physical characteristics, and all of Jon's match either Stark or Baratheon.

Two problems there. First Robert's known children are invariably identified as having completely black hair. Jon's is brown in the books. Second Rhaegar Targaryen is described as being a a man of great honor and nobility by most everyone that actually met/knew him, even many of his opponents in Robert's Rebellion (except Robert Baratheon obviously). Being a rapist would be severely out of character for the way he's been revealed so far. The "bed of blood' is likely just an allusion to death during childbirth. Plus Lyanna extracted a promise from Eddard as she was dying, which most likely was to conceal Jon's parentage from Robert Baratheon's rage.
Theon and Arya's storylines have not been boring at all. Especially Arya's. Jesus, did you not see what all her character went through last season? She actually probably had the most interesting arc of any character last season.

There are times where I want to kill Theon, but ultimately he's a good person whose been very misguided. I don't entirely blame him either considering what he has gone through, and meeting his father for the first time as an adult, etc. You can tell he realizes just what he's done though, and who his true father is (as he said).

The only boring character in this series is Sansa. I'm anxious to see what comes of her relationship with Margaery and Loras Tyrell though.

Anyway, DAMN! Great episode. Especially that ending. Played out pretty much exactly as I expected, but that didn't make it any less awesome.

It's really satisfying to finally see Danaerys leading an army with her three dragons flying above her. :yess:

:exactly::yess:NUFF SAID