False report he was a drug user or false report that she did drugs with him?
False report that he died in her apartment.
False report he was a drug user or false report that she did drugs with him?
Yes. It was confirmed they have apartments in the same building in a separate residence area but he wasn't found in that building. The connection was the media jumping the gun before getting confirmations.
but... I think Hollywood should start cracking down (like the NFL, MLB, or a majority of normal jobs) on a NO Illegal Substance policy. They should do random drug tests on these actors and suspend them from work. If all the studios worked on this together I think they could come up with a way to manage it. I do not think these celebrities should be drug free because they are role models (although they are and they should think about that). But the studios should want them drug free from a buisness point of veiw.
The problem is that in this day and age extremism is needed to get your point across and getting your point across recruits other people who think they have a point.
Its the same reason why Islamic extremists keep getting new recruits to blow themselves up on buses.
Mark my words, one day in the near future these extremists (of Christian, Islamic, and even anti-religious {see church shooter in CO}) will be blowing up stuff rather than simply making a scene.
This is just classic! Do you even understand what is/has been going on in the entertainment community?? Whole films have been made just to launder drug money. Let's not even mention the music industry!!
C'mon people! A nude celebrity, pills nearby "apparent suicide"? No one sees this pattern??
Trevor Goddard
Jonathan Brandis
Anna Nicole Smith and her son (in quick succession. BTW the 20 yr old died of a non-drug related "massive heart attack"...yeah, right)
Marilyn Monroe
River Phoenix is the exception here, maybe...
Any bets on how much more AOLTWDCCNN will make of it??
Let's keep the tragedy of a young death in perspective.
Wake up!
My brother and I were talking about this earlier tonight. Oddly, we both felt quite a blow from his death despite only seeing A Knights Tale with him in it. I think we both were just super into the Dark Knight and now with him gone and the film not finished yet, it hit home for us.
We got think about what could have happened. The worst case scenerio we could think of was if some psycho fan went Joker on him: slit his through, carved a smile, blood smeared on the walls with "Why So Serious" and other such phrases. I mean, if that HAD happened, what would they do with the Dark Knight? They couldn't possibly release it then how it is, but at the same time can't just blow $200 million or whatever they spent making it. Has a film ever run into such a problem before that a situation like this would do? That would have been the tragedy of the decade.
Hope it was only an accidental OD and that he went in his sleep.
I brought this up before, but IF (and that is a HUGE IF) Heath's death is a fake, how awesome would it be for him to reveal he is not dead as the Joker durning the Superbowl or on April Fools Day. When you think about it, it would be the ultimate marketing trick, plus faking his own death may have finally let Heath get rid of the Joker (seems he had a real hard time during and after shooting). From the Joker's pov, it is the ultimate joke, from reality, it is sick, wrong, and illegal.
But how his death is so inconclusive is a bid odd. 10 days or so for results? Superbowl is in what, 10 days? I know I am thinking too much of "what if" he isn't really dead, but maybe we just have the current "Elvis" death here.
It's just so sad, man. I still can't believe it. It's one of those things that is so out of left field, that your brain can't process it.
Uh huh....
Someone has an imagination....
Yeah, I hear ya. Its one thing for an annoucment like "Sean Connery" or some other old celebrity dying, but someone like Heath is a bit of a shock to say the least. Especially with the Joker and TDK. I still haven't really "accepted" he is dead yet. I'm one of those people I guess where I need to see the body to believe it. Like my post above states, so far, the world's best hoax is still possible since no death photos or video of the body have been released (probably won't ever though). It seems like if he was using the sleeping pills for a while, why all of a sudden happen to OD? And within a two hour window from 1-2:45?
This whole situation is just weird and hard to process, even for people like us who never even met him, let alone knew him.
Well, I personally think the houselady's story about him "still snoring" is a falsification or simply a huge misconception on her part. I think he was dead many hours before she or anyone else arrived.
I find it very hard to believe that the man died within an hour and 45 minutes, after she said he was fine and snoring.