Heath Ledger Found Dead

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does anyone know if he really hang himself?

Every thing I have read has said he was found face down naked on his bed. But at this point, only the people there really know.
The film's studio, Warner Bros., recently restructured its marketing department, Variety reports, after the departure of the executive who helped create the "Dark Knight" campaign.

As previously reported, Ledger's work in "The Dark Knight" was already complete, and the film is still expected to be released July 18, according to Dark Horizons. Warner Bros. will be removing the current teaser campaign for the film which focuses squarely on Ledger's Joker -- a campaign that was supposed to be in place for the next three months. Instead, it's likely the campaign will shift over to Christian Bale's Batman himself, as well as Aaron Eckhart's Harvey Dent.

Also expected to be cut from the third Batman film was a planned cameo of The Joker by Ledger.

So, there you have it. It's sad to hear the person heading up the "Why So Serious?" campaign stepped down. His death has shaken a lot of people. I STILL can't believe he's gone.
does anyone know if he really hang himself?

Hanging deaths or any other Suicides are about 97% preplanned, where a note or suicide letter is involved. None of that was found, not to mention as was mentioned before he was found naked in his bed so if the death were to be by hanging someone would have had to have moved him.

I'd put money on the fact that when everything is said and done his death was accidential in the true form of the word and not the result of an OD or suicide. What will be interesting is whether or not the media will spend as much time telling the true story or just mention a blurb at 59 minutes past the hour...
Yup, those are the same people who pay Paparazzi/men to sleep in britney's yard, hidden in the bushes. TMZ,IE, ect...they're all scum.

They are not the real problem its all the people that watch all these shows, buy all these magazines, etc...

The amount of money those shows, magazines pay for these pics is unreal. I would do the same thing. You can live off one big photo for years sometimes.

I joked with my buddy to snap some pics of his clients new baby so I could sell them and split the money. We found out that they paid over 500k for the photos they got.
They are not the real problem its all the people that watch all these shows, buy all these magazines, etc...

The amount of money those shows, magazines pay for these pics is unreal. I would do the same thing. You can live off one big photo for years sometimes.

I joked with my buddy to snap some pics of his clients new baby so I could sell them and split the money. We found out that they paid over 500k for the photos they got.

And this is why I never want to be famous. Can you imagine living like that? Not being able to trust anyone, even people you are business partners with? Crazy... and sad. No wonder they all have to get meds to deal with life.
Apple has already switched the trailer image from the why so serious image to just the Batman symbol, so that info is true. That poster if going to be worth a lot of money, not that is isn't already, but now that it will be taken down everywhere and maybe even put out of production since they are stopping that campaign......

:monkey2 :monkey2 :monkey2 :monkey2 :monkey2
Here are the most insane comments that I've read regarding the Ledger story. They were made by a man once named Jim Helwig, when you were a kid you probably knew him as pro wrestler "The Ultimate Warrior" in the WWF and he is now legally known simply as "Warrior" (I'm serious). He's become a public speaker over the years & if you look up some of his speeches online, you'll see he pretty much causes outrage anywhere he goes.

Source: UltimateWarrior.com

The Ultimate Warrior is back with another blog entry. Warrior is known for saying outlandish things and his latest update is no exception. His rant about the death of actor Heath Ledger has received media attention (TMZ.com) and has been called "callous" and "homophobic". He even throws in a jab at longtime rival Hulk Hogan for good measure. Take it away, Warrior:

Dead Long Before 28

In the interest of full disclosure, I must tell you I have watched Brokeback Mountain no less than 45 times and I own the Limited Edition DVD, signed by Willie Nelson a short time after he wrote that queer cowboy song as a tribute to the courage of the producers and actors who broke such incredible creative ground when they made their agenda-less movie. Serious. Until I saw Bendover Brokeback, Braveheart was my favorite movie. But the love scenes of Brokeback sucked me right in and I had no choice but to give myself over to the passion of its wide open range, if you get my drift. Such courage this young man and his collaegues have. Reminds me of the courage of classic movie stars, where during the War they enlisted and flew bomber planes and fought on frontlines, then came back and picked up their lives and careers right where they left off, without anti-American sentiment, whining and complaining, or self-destructive self indulgence. I’m equally inspired.

Apparently, Leather Hedger had sleeping troubles and anxiety and dealt with terrible mood swings. So do soldiers but they don’t self-destructively ****** up their lives. In fact, they don’t sleep, handle anxiety and mood swings while dealing with whether or not they might at any moment lose their life. And they do this all the while they are dangerously protecting the freedom of others to ****** up their own. By the way, how many 28 (or older or younger) year old soldiers met their death yesterday? It’s not easy to find out. None of them made the headlines of any news.

By today’s standard, though, I do have to agree that he was a great father. Perhaps even greater then the father of the year, Hulk Hogan. After all, Leather Hedger did what it took to kill himself. His kid is without a father, yes, but the negative influence is now removed and his own child has the chance for a full recovery. Hogan, on the other hand, won’t go quite that far. He insists on sticking around to keep further ruining, and profiting off of, the parentally mismanaged lives of his own children.

It is sad and tragic ... that we don't demand attention be paid to greater things.

I like how he worked Hulk Hogan into the rant.
Here are the most insane comments that I've read regarding the Ledger story. They were made by a man once named Jim Helwig, when you were a kid you probably knew him as pro wrestler "The Ultimate Warrior" in the WWF and he is now legally known simply as "Warrior" (I'm serious). He's become a public speaker over the years & if you look up some of his speeches online, you'll see he pretty much causes outrage anywhere he goes.

I like how he worked Hulk Hogan into the rant.

What a douch!!!:cuss
Wow. Stupidity from a Pro Wrestler, I'm not surprised at. People wanting opinions from pro wrestlers, that surprises me.
Ultimate Warrior? Really... is he still relevant?!? Maybe hoping to get back a piece of the limelight with his comments... look at me, pay attention to me :monkey2

I call *********gery :lecture
Ultimate Warrior = *********.

I'm surprised he had the balls to write this... after taking 'roids all those years, I thought they would've been non-existent by now.

I'll equate it to stupidity and homophobia. *******.:rolleyes:
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