Heath Ledger Found Dead

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He has called her on it three times already and seems to be getting annoyed because she is dismissing him and continuing to ask everyone about the "Haunting role of the Joker".....jeez someone slap her and get an actual reporter on there...

You would think that someone would shut the ****** up considering that CNN is owned by Time Warner!

By the way, the Tom O'Neill guy from "InTouch Weekly" is a real dick. He's hinting that Ledger had a big drug problem because he was scratching himself when he guy interviewed him.
From US Weekly...

News of Heath Ledger's death has shaken friends of the actor.

"This is terrible and I'm in shock," a close friend of Ledger's tells Usmagazine.com. "But to tell you the truth... we saw it coming."

"Heath has gone though a rough road of trying to get sober," the source tells Us.

"Things were very dark," the source says. "His one joy was Matilda." Matilda is his 2-year-old daughter with ex-wife Michelle Williams. They split in September.

"Everything else was misery for him," adds the source. "Unfortunately he was too late in getting help."

Now they are saying that pills were found near the body but not directly next to it and there is no striking evidence that he even took the pills. With all of this conflicting info and the story changing minute by minute we won't know anything until autopsy. Erica Hill is still vamping on the Joker role and how haunting it was for the fifth time. Now Tom O'Neill is saying how unkept and dirty he was in the interview, his description of Heath is getting worse and worse every time they talk to him.
I hate that people are even speculating about his lifestyle when we don't even know for sure how he died yet.
"Things were very dark," the source says. "His one joy was Matilda." Matilda is his 2-year-old daughter with ex-wife Michelle Williams. They split in September.

Huh. Calling Shennegans on that he never married her and they split in November. Us Weekly is notorious for getting things wrong in order to be first. Autopsy set for tomorrow.
We'll know more in a few days obviously...

It's just a sad day.... he's gone.
By the way, the Tom O'Neill guy from "InTouch Weekly" is a real dick. He's hinting that Ledger had a big drug problem because he was scratching himself when he guy interviewed him.

I agree. Typical Hollywood tabloid reporter douschebag. :mad:
When I saw the title of this thread I could not believe it... He was an extremely talented actor and I am deeply sorry that he has past away.
I am so saddened by this news, here we have an extremely talented 28 year old actor and just like that its over. On CNN they made mention to what stress had occured while playing the part of the Joker, I think it took a beating on him!

Truly Truly SAD!

RIP Heath, God be with you!
In regards to the potential Hot Toys Ledger Joker figure...

It's possible that unless something was already approved or they don't need his sign-off, that they could run into likeness issues.

Just something to think about. I know that the man has just passed and there are a zillion things more important than a stupid figure, but this is a toy site afterall and I know many of you had been jonesing for that.
RIP Heather.

This came as a big shocker to me,i dont know what to say...
Pretty shocking news. Almost as shocking is the way that people in the news media are desperate to pin down the cause of death before there's any actual proof. It just like how they want to predict the winners in elections before people have even finished voting.
But isnt the likeness rights usually worked into the initial contract? I dunno but I really don't see this coming out now especially since the media is all "it was the role of the Joker that did this". Stupid ****ing media. :monkey4
True. Daniel Craig springs to mind, but yea, even if HT does make it happen.. I would rather see them hold off for a bit. Maybe wait til the buzz of all this dies down.
Wow. Just watched TMZ and this was the top story. Crazy how I would have NEVER thought he was a drug user let alone an abuser.

So sad.
The dark knight poster with heath ledger in the ebay title is up to $182 with 14 hours left. Other auctions for this poster are still in the 25-35 range.
That is a damn shame...this is truly shocking news...
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