Heath Ledger Joker Customs

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I haven't had much experience with magnetic bases to know if they can truly be reliable for 1/6 scale. But as far as Inart is concerned with those bases... They want to play pretend premium and not commit to that standard. And it's been disastrous for collectors.
Yup. I see no reason to not make the entire base magnetic.. Why use only two small magnets?? I’m all in for magnetic bases it looks better, but they are still struggling after like what 4-5 figures? Something that basic shouldn’t be hard to get right.
Yup. I see no reason to not make the entire base magnetic.. Why use only two small magnets?? I’m all in for magnetic bases it looks better, but they are still struggling after like what 4-5 figures? Something that basic shouldn’t be hard to get right.
They're not struggling.
They're not even trying.
Yup. I see no reason to not make the entire base magnetic.. Why use only two small magnets?? I’m all in for magnetic bases it looks better, but they are still struggling after like what 4-5 figures? Something that basic shouldn’t be hard to get right.
Maybe they are not allowed to use bigger magnet for shipping reasons ?
Maybe they are not allowed to use bigger magnet for shipping reasons ?
Yeah, I don’t think so. Why can Por.toys make a full magnetic base and InArt can’t? Both companies ship from China.

I had that thought before as well, but I don’t think that’s the case after receiving my Por.toys figure.

JND also ships their statues with super strong magnets.
Oh yeah. People can collect whatever they like, and they're entitled to their opinions. I only take issue when someone's being an ass about it. Certain individuals love to poke at others who indulge in the custom stuff every chance they get. But I'd much rather spend more on something to get it right, than spend less on something that can become obsolete overnight. I've been caught in that cycle enough times to know.

I can't be content with placeholders anymore. I'll get a figure only if it meets a certain standard out the box, or otherwise if I'm willing to commit to getting it to that point with a little extra work.

More often than not, these Hot Toys don't cut it in terms of what I'm looking for. But it's also annoying that you can't express wanting more out of these companies without some neck beard breathing down your neck.
Yup I totally see where you’re coming from 👍🏼 I personally don’t mind the “upgrade” process. It happens with both official and custom offerings. What’s “definitive” today will be outdated and outdone tomorrow most of the time. We’re all going to keep spending money on the “better” one until the individual actively decides enough is enough 😅 it’s a cycle that most collectors are in regardless of scale/type. I don’t like spending money over and over again regardless of its official of custom. Already sort of burned out on upgrading Indy custom stuff :lol but I do it anyway b/c these customs still don’t hit the mark when the final product hits as we all know. I think it stings more for me b/c of the price spent and then being unsatisfied. Easier to sell a figure than a custom outfit.

I just think there’s always room for both ppl who are satisfied with official offerings and custom stuff. We all have different standards for these things.

But, it definitely is unfortunate with those certain individuals who scoff at custom stuff. However, on the other side, there are also ppl who come into threads only to talk down to official offerings and ppl the who enjoy those with the thought that custom stuff is the ONLY way to go otherwise why bother. There’s a balance to be struck.

Anywhoo, not trying to start anything. This is a custom thread after all, so ppl in here already know what they’re getting into/got themselves into, myself included :lol

This looks great! Still not a fan of that sculpt, but definitely a big improvement.

Amazing how much better those InArt sculpts can look with some proper care. Seeing stuff like this makes me want to send my InArt heads off to get redone. But, with the prospect of Jon’s head with moving eyes, it seems pointless to go through the trouble when a superior head could be available with patience.
DX09 is closer than the 2.0 to me minus the old decals they used for the eyes and visible back cap. even jazzinc's is closer than the 2.0 but something about the eyebrows/eyes itself on jazzinc's copy doesn't sit right to me. not sure if its viola's paint, assuming she painted up this cowl as well

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the suit texture is ass on the 2.0, I don't think there's really any way around that unless you wanna battle damage it to hide it. i modified the dx09 to have it be able to articulate without the arms springing back on you (but even that isn't accurate. closer but not accurate). i ended up doing that awhile ago but you cant really get much poses out of it anyway. the rubber shoulders warp so badly when I raise his arm that I don't feel comfortable leaving it in place for long. the suit itself is like a very worn down smooth rubber

i still have 2.0 on order, as of right now unreal's modifying the cowl so it fits the 2.0 so I'm guessing both will be compatible. he told me its a flex + resin combo for the cowl so the sharp points will have a little give to them.

i was discussing it with a friend the other day on discord. i think overall the 2.0 is a better figure overall than the dx09 unfortunately. just the ****** texture and bad cowl kills it for me but an unwise eye will tell no difference

  • seamless cowl
  • smaller bat symbol
  • updated paint
  • better rolling eyes
  • poseable
  • glossy body and cowl (fixable if you use 303)
  • inaccurate cowl (wrong eye holes, mouthplate shape is wrong)
  • overly textured suit
  • **** cape
  • better accurate cowl
  • less textured suit
  • better mouthplates
  • PERS prone to breaking
  • old style decal eyes
  • brick figure
  • even more **** cape
  • "leaky" rubber suit (varying based on copy)

I'd also add to PROS with DX09: correct color green eyes
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The paint on the new HT sculpt actually looks like paint in HD photos, hairline is good enough here and it has a ton of detail for such a cheap figure at $500 in comparison to custom. I’m surprised a lot of people aren’t jumping at this option, there’s only a few of us interested in thousand dollar sculpts.

I like this head. I wish it looked more like Heath, but for the money it is a solid option.
I like this head. I wish it looked more like Heath, but for the money it is a solid option.
It’s a bad shot albeit detailed, just wanted to show off the paint everyone was freaking out about. Sculpt will definitely benefit from touch up paint and hair work. Seeing what just happened to Keaton, I’d say this is a blessing.

In real, yeah... in Returns, yeah...

...but in Batman '89, his eyes popped as greenish. I remember. I liked that.


Bat symbol.jpg

I’m good with the use of blue, just not crystal clear blue. It would look strange to have 89 and 92 near eachother with different eye color between the two.
I’m good with the use of blue, just not crystal clear blue. It would look strange to have 89 and 92 near eachother with different eye color between the two.

why? It's how it looked in the movies. I thought the goal of collecting was to achieve the movie look?

green eyes in one movie, blue in the next, completely different face in the third...
Between posts on this thread and the actual 89 2.0 thread we may need a custom 89 Batman thread. I'm curious to see what other custom offerings will be made for 89. I adore that film. While I can be nitpicky for accuracy on some figures and their details, 89 Batman and Joker are definitely the pair I can see myself spending the most time(and money lol) on perfecting.
Between posts on this thread and the actual 89 2.0 thread we may need a custom 89 Batman thread. I'm curious to see what other custom offerings will be made for 89. I adore that film. While I can be nitpicky for accuracy on some figures and their details, 89 Batman and Joker are definitely the pair I can see myself spending the most time(and money lol) on perfecting.
Yep all I plan on collecting is Batman 1989, Returns, Begins, TDK and possibly Joker so I need these few figures I do build to be as accurate as I can manage.