Have you considered the Pacific Northwest? Not 4 seasons exactly but excellent mild weather all year long. I never had to use an air conditioner in summer (for 1 week in the "heat", I used a fan). Plenty of job opportunities (Microsoft, and all the wannabe support businesses, etc.). Within 1 hour you have your ocean/beaches; go in another direction for an hour for skiing and mountaineering in the Cascades; just a little beyond the Cascades to the east, you've got the Yakima Valley and a tad beyond, the drier semi-desert area. Canada (British Columbia) is only a short distance north. You can ride a sea-going ferry to Victoria or even to Alaska. The really big Con would be that the main interstate (I-5) can be a mess to drive. But if you're used to traffic, probably not any worse than Atlanta. And it doesn't rain nearly as much as folks want to say. No hurricanes, tornadoes, and depending on where you wind up, no earthquakes (there are parts of the Puget Sound area that has a foundation in bedrock), and not even lightning (that I recall).