I've had to weed my way through a tea bagger protest, believe me, plenty of _______s and nuts just like any other party. Thats why I said extremist.
The militias aren't a myth.
And I used the modifier "like"
And enough of the news is lying ____, your so well informed from your underground Batman truth source. Gimem a ____in break already, theres such a thing as too paranoid.
There's bad apples in every bunch. Just like it's unfair that Muslims get labeled as terrorists because of a few pricks that believe in extremism and wish death and destruction against any "infidel," you're going to likewise get your redneck white-hood-wearing Nazi trash attending a tea party. It's ignorant to think that they represent the majority. But that's what the media is playing up on. Putting labels such as "nazis" or "racists" on all in attendance just because they are legally and peacefully exercising their first amendment rights to voice their disgust at the non-american and socialist turn our country is taking is misguided.
I don't know what you mean by "underground batman news source," so I can't really reply to that, except to say that I get my information from as many sources as possible, in order to weigh and decide for myself what I think is true and right/wrong.
And as far as being too paranoid... If you haven't noticed, the USA is not in a good place right now. This is the most separated I have ever seen our country in my short 34 years of life. Racial and political tensions are high, sadly, and something is going to give at some point. So yes, I am concerned, and paranoid about what new dark and un-american path our leaders and elected congress men and women may be taking us down. I'm concerned that I live in a state that is now in the national spotlight that's wants to label 70% of it's legal citizens as "racists" because they support the decision of the governor to pass a law to keep our own soverance against illegal invaders, regardless of race. I'm concerned that our president (and our previous president) apparently has zero concern about irresponsible spending that is indebting our great country to China. I'm concerned that the United States is now taking a stance of apology and regret for protecting itself and becoming the great country that it is, always willing to help other countries in need. so sorry that I won't sit quietly and idly by and let it happen around me without informing myself of what is happening and predicted to happen if we stay on this destructive and un-american path.
Deckard, I have no beef with you, so I wont be responding any further to any of your posts in this thread. The last word is yours.
Like I said, I've been trying to stay away from the news this week, as it mostly is all bad and depressing, as difficult as that may be from a concerned American.