I hope flyboy is a villain. I think Flyboy and Maya being baddies are about the only hope for their characters for me. The only reason I can think of for that whole cheerleader scheme is to show how he's a bad influence on Claire, but really I would have preferred it if he talked her in to robbing the liquor store. And I agree with Caedus, Sylar and Mr. Bennet are the two best parts of the show so far. I'm hoping Niki brings an interesting addition, I think her character last season started really good and went downhill, so hopefully this season will redeem it.
The show doesn't get me as excited as it did last season, its starting to go from being a show I have to watch on Monday to one I can watch when I have more time on the weekend, but overall I do really enjoy it. It's very entertaining for me even with the flaws it has.
Oh, and, who is Adam, the name doesn't sound familiar, but I lose track sometimes...