On Set: Black Clad Milo For Heroes
Writing by Dave on Monday, 23 June, 2008 at 8:49 am
Milo Ventimiglia Dressed In Black On Set For Heroes Season 3
The third “volume” of NBC’s Heroes is titled “Villains,” which we are psyched about, especially after Season 2 was serendipitously cut short by the Writers’ Guild strike earlier this year. Last season saw our Heroes do little more than run through similar plots elsewhere geographically. Peter Petrelli (Milo Ventimiglia) lost his memory, so he got to re-discover his powers all over again, leading to another slow-burn in the Peter storyline.
We’re happy to see a darkly-dressed Peter on set for the new season, because that give us hope that we can see some dark ^^^^ that might make us think this show is worth the obsession we put into it during Season One.
We do know some stuff about Season 3, but they would be classified as “spoilers,” so we’ll shove them under the cut. UPDATED WITH 2 NEW SPOILERIFFIC IMAGES!
Here’s how the season starts out:
This takes place in the opening minutes of the pilot, according to Kristin over at E!:
Gee, well, I don’t have much to tell, other than the fact that in the first three minutes one of the lead heroes is going to bust a cap off at one of the other lead heroes. And oh yeah, the guy she pulls the trigger on just might be the guy she’s playing tonsil hockey with in real life. She also tells him (on cam), “I always loved you.” Whaaa?! Figured it out? I know you have, so discuss in the comments below! Oh, and even more shocking? We’re gonna see Claire-bear with dark hair and this also involves a shift in time. So very Lostalicious, no?
Time shift! Again!
You can expect a few more spoilers to roll out from the Heroes camp as soon as Comic Con begins in San Deigo.
Hey! We also got this magazine scan of Dark Claire’s (Future Claire’s?) full costume:
And this photo from Digital Spy that hints at the major plot-line from Season 3. Specifically: time travel to stop the Earth from exploding (we’re guessing it explodes at the hands of one of our Villains, or perhaps when they combine powers with - duh - Peter):