just me
Why a maximum of 2 ?
Why was that policy instigated ?
Why not 1 ?
If your doing limited runs of figures, why make a policy that potentially halves the the amount being spread about
If youve got 1976 figures
Your potentially just selling them to 988 purchasers leaving 988 collectors out !
We've always had that policy - if it's not an Exclusive, it's a limit of 2 (unless it's bobble heads or catalogs - then sometimes it's 99
Some places don't have limits at all. 2 is a pretty low number - again darned if we do, darned if we don't. Collectors sometimes like to keep two for themselves, as hard as it is to believe - one to open and play with or customize, one to keep boxed in original condition (perhaps in case they mess up the one they're customizing

This item has ALWAYS had a limit of 2, from the moment it began pre-ordering years ago. Why would that all of a sudden change?
Only a small percentage of customers usually end up buying 2